Weymouth: 5 Haunted Places to Visit


Weymouth has plenty of spooky spots to send a shiver down your spine. Here are five haunted places in the Dorset seaside town for you to visit.

Weymouth's promenade is said to be haunted by an evil old woman, who smells of death!
Weymouth’s promenade is said to be haunted by an evil old woman, who smells of death!

Northe Fort, Barrack Road, Weymouth, DT4 8UF

Northe Fort is one of the most haunted places in Dorset and the south coast, with the whistling ghost of a gunner heard by workers and tourists alike in the spooky corridors underneath.

Other tales indicate that a white figure often visits the parapets while they are locked, with no prospect of it being a living person. With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that some portions of the fort are off-limits to workers.

The Smugglers Inn, Osmington Mills, near Weymouth, DT3 6HF

Among the spirits said to haunt this inn are a smuggler and the revenue officer who tried to apprehend him.

The notorious smuggler Pierre Latour, aka French Peter, was caught in the tavern when a revenue officer – who had hid up a chimney to gather evidence – overheard the villain plotting with the pub’s owner. Both conspirators were quickly killed. The two spirits have been observed dressed in 18th century maritime garb.

William Waters (1791-1827), a local smuggler and fisherman, spent more time in prison than he did at liberty. He worked at the Smugglers when he was released from jail. He is said to haunt a neighbouring cottage. Waters’ ghost is described by witnesses as a little guy with a menacing grin.

The Spice Ship, 240 Preston Rd, Preston, Weymouth DT3 6BJ

The Spice Ship has many ghostly appearances, including unusual sounds in the middle of the night and the sudden activation of beer faucets.

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A ghostly Portuguese sailor is known to cause havoc, including yanking one prior landlord from his bed and hurling him to the floor.

This sailor apparently perished 200 years ago off the shore. Locals brought his remains to the Spice Ship for the inquest.

He is now haunting the tavern in search of his shipmates, who have all gone missing at sea.

The Promenade, Weymouth

Weymouth’s promenade on the seafront is supposedly haunted by a horrible old woman who ‘smells of death’ and sits on one of the promenade’s corner benches. Many have seen her but she is no welcome guest.

A man claimed to have seen “The Old Woman of Weymouth” sitting along the seafront one day, in the same spot where his fianceé sat afterwards. His fiancée tragically died of a heart attack the following day.

The man blamed the evil spirit of the Old Woman of Weymouth for the untimely death of his lover.

The Boot Inn, High West Street, Weymouth, DT4 8JH

Ghosts have been seen at the Boot Inn, a building with a history that dates back to the 14th century.

Extreme temperature dips have been reported by licensees, which they consider the result of poltergeist activity. Staff have also discovered furnishings and artwork moved about when they opened the pub in the morning.

A Victorian sailor with bulky sea boots is also to haunt the area, as is the spirit of a man dressed in a 1930s-style pinstriped suit.
There have been reports of a male choir performing sea shanties at dawn on a regular basis.

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