Looking for somewhere to rest your weary heads for the night? Just don’t expect a quiet night’s sleep. NIA JONES checks out five of Britain’s most haunted hotels…

Here are Britain’s most haunted hotels you can stay
The Talbot Hotel, New Street, Oundle, Northamptonshire, PE8 4EAT

A beautiful Elizabethan structure with oak beams and transom windows abounding, the hotel is said to be haunted by none other than her majesty Mary Queen of Scots.
The staircase used to adorn Fotheringhay Castle and the condemned Mary walked down it on her doomed journey to the executioner’s block. Some have heard her terrified whimpers, while others have even seen her emaciated shape bent over on the staircase.
Read more about the Talbot Hotel.
Ruthin Castle, Castle Street, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 2NU

A stunning red fort with over 400 years of dark history, complete with dungeons, a Drowning Pit and a Whipping Pit. The ghostly goings on at the castle includes phantom noises, footsteps and inexplicable changes in temperature.
The spectres include a lonely – wandering soldier and a Grey Lady has been seen roaming the battlements and the chapel, she is believed to be a jealous wife who murdered her husband’s lover with an axe. Read more about Ruthin Castle.
Elvey Farm, Elvey Lane, Pluckley, Kent, TN27 0SU

Picturesque Pluckley is reputedly England’s most haunted village, dating back to medieval times Elvey Farm is complete with ancient rafters and beautiful surroundings.
Many spectres are said to haunt these premises, among them a white dog called Red Lady Derring, a lost soldier, a highway man and the sound of a screaming gentleman. Many have also encountered an angry schoolmaster, ready to wave his ghostly finger at anyone he disapproves of.
Read more about Elvey Farm in Pluckley.
Tulloch Castle Hotel, Tulloch Castle Drive, Dingwall, Ross and Cromarty, IV15 9ND

A former castle, dating from the 12th century, Tulloch Castle Hotel contains secret passages, a secret door and a secret tunnel to Dingwall Castle. While staying in Room 8 a guest reported waking up in the middle of the night finding it difficult to breathe, he then felt and saw two ghostly females pressing on his chest.
Phantom figures have been seen at the foot of beds and sleeping guests have been disturbed by rattling door handles and other unearthly noises. The hotel also has a resident Green Lady, her presence is reportedly depressing, which comes as no surprise since she allegedly met her death falling down the spiral staircase.
Read more about Tulloch Castle in Dingwall.
Jamaica Inn, Bolventor, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 7TS

Made famous by Daphne du Maurier thrilling tale of the same name, the Jamaica Inn tavern is over 250 years old. Inexplicable noises of cartwheels and horses’ hooves have been heard in the cobbled courtyard and ghostly footsteps in empty corridors.
Bedroom 4 is said to be the most haunted and the building itself is adorned with nautical and ancient smuggling paraphernalia. A vision of a man in a tri-corn hat, believed to be a smuggler is said to who walk through the walls; and another spectre, believed to be a murder victim has been seen sitting outside, as if waiting for someone or something.
Read more about The Jamaica Inn.