Dr Eamonn Ansbro is a consultant for the European Space Agency. JOHN AMBROSE MARTIN spoke to him to find out more his thoughts on UFOs over Ireland

Dr Eamonn Ansbro is a leading Irish astronomer whose research has led him to study UFOs. He is frequently sought at a high level to investigate the ever-increasing number of unidentified objects in our skies.
At his Kingsland Observatory in Boyle, County Roscommon, Dr Ansboro has several cameras aimed deep into the darkness above Ireland and in just over 20 years he has personally recorded dozens of UFOs.
Interview with Dr Eamonn Ansbro
John Ambrose Martin: Thank you for joining us at Spooky Isles, Dr Ansboro. Could you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Dr Eamonn Ansbro: By profession, I’m an astrophysicist. I’m involved in the space industry, starting primarily in telecommunications and satellites, however I’ve been in meteorology and many other fields. I also studied platonic and electro optics before moving across to focus on UFO research in the 1990s.
So were you curious about UFOs before you got into astronomy as a career and began your research?
Yeah, as a teenager when I first discovered the possibility of extraterrestrials and their appearance in the media, film and television, I read all the books I could, wanting to know more and explore the field.

So how did you make the jump from astrophysics and the likes of telecommunications to the more controversial topic of UFOs?
I had been working with another expert who had also been looking into UFO research. I was very surprised that after reading all the accounts, research and documented official papers, that what I was finding didn’t fit with anything I know was proven or possible in meteorology or astronomy.
He felt the same way after 20 people telling him literally out of this world stuff and we decided to work together on it.
In over 10 years and 150 cases of investigating UFOs in Ireland, what was your conclusion?
The astrophysicist I worked with had published material in the early 90s on patterns and cycles. He believed he was some 20 years ahead of me on research and the two of us should collaborate bringing my experience to the fold.
We began to work together on astronomical theory in the field. It was a seriously complex piece of work that involved going through thousands of sightings and reports including government papers and the use of US, UK and French space centres as well as Ireland.
After many failures of testing a theory, I found something I didn’t expect – 660 tracks I hadn’t expected to find. I really hope you’re not from the Intelligence Service! I’m serious, I use pseudonyms and live in different countries. I’ve had people after me and I have security to protect my premises. I have been contacted by governments, who want to know a lot more and in 2004, I received a covert and indirect invitation by the French government and was given a big presentation on concerns by one of the heads – the Air Force in the Pyrenees was reporting for each Force Ortiz 1 out of 4 would officially report see UFOs…
At this point, Dr Ansbro hurried off, however, the 660 tracks turned out to be what he describes as UEA Orbital Tracks, which to the Irish astronomer, are evidence we are being remotely spied on by a civilisation not of this world…
With a marked increase in reported sightings at a more plausible level, including Aer Lingus and British Airways pilots in very recent times, the truth is definitely out there.
With the help of dedicated astrophysicists like Dr Eamonn Ansbro, it may become less fiction and more science sooner than we know.
Have you seen a UFO over Ireland? Tell us in the comments section below!