Tutbury Castle Most Haunted REVIEW


CHRISTINE MILLER takes a look back at the Tutbury Castle: Most Haunted Episode

Tutbury Castle Most Haunted

Episode Title: Tutbury Castle
Location: Tutbury, Staffordshire

Series: 2 Episode Number: 19
Originally broadcast: 2003

Medium: Derek Acorah
Parapsychologist: Phil Whyman, Dr Matthew Smith & Dr Ciaran O’Keeffe

With over 250 reported paranormal sightings since 2000 alone, the Most Haunted team are in for a spooky treat as they spend 24 hours in Tutbury Castle. 

The castle has stood for over 1000 years and has witnessed a vast amount of historical events. Mary, Queen of Scots was a prisoner within the castle, not once, but three times. Charles I was offered shelter here during the Civil War. Meanwhile, Oliver Cromwell ordered the dismantlement of the castle for offering his nemesis refuge. 

After the Reformation of 1662, some of the castle ruins were rebuilt and this is how it still looks today. 

Reported paranormal activity includes creeping shadows lurking throughout passageways, the spirit of a young girl, a dress that is possessed by Mary, Queen of Scots, blue orbs, the ghost of a man in full Tudor armour, and one room within the castle had to be completely closed off to the public due to the large numbers of people fainted for no apparent reason. 

As Yvette explains, ‘too much paranormal activity has been reported here to be ignored’. And with that, the investigation begins…

Medium Derek Acorah arrives to join the team and immediately feels drawn to the exterior of the castle where he senses ‘unseen hands’. He says that there has been a massacre within the grounds of the castle and their bodies still lie underfoot. There is a relentless ‘High Priest’ who shows himself to Derek, and wants to the ground to be dug up as proof of the mass slaying that took place here; there were 314 men killed in 1548, according to Derek, however, this can not be backed up by historian Richard Felix. 

READ:  Bretforton, The Village of Grim Death

Inside the castle, Derek picks up on various spirits, including that of a little boy as well as King Charles I. Will any of these ghosts make themselves known to the rest of the team tonight? Read on to find out!

Lights out Exploration 

With the lights out, Yvette and paranormal investigator Phil Wyman go it alone to explore the castle, and arrive at the King’s Room.

True to form, Yvette threatens to ‘poo my pants’ and very nearly does when a stray camera wire touches her arm in the dark.

Strangely, one door that Yvette was keen to make sure remained open, shut behind her, seemingly of its own accord. Phil hears a loud creaking noise that can clearly be heard on camera, followed by a continuous tapping at the window.

Both Phil and Yvette become increasingly unnerved but they begin to ask for further proof. What follows is a loud unmistakable bang on the window, right on cue. Asking again if anyone is present, the lights begin to dim and come on again in succession. The noises at the window continue, so Yvette asks Richard Felix to check outside to make sure there is no one throwing items at the window; sure enough, there is no one outside. 

This was a fairly interesting investigation for the Most Haunted team.

Let’s just all take a moment to be grateful that Yvette did not indeed ‘poo her pants’ at Tutbury Castle. 

Tell us what you thought of this Tutbury Castle Most Haunted episode in the comments section below.


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