The Thomas Thorne Affair in Ghosts BBC sees differing and humorous recollections of Thomas’ tragic and lonely death due to an ill-fated duel over his love for Isabelle, writes GEMMA JOHNSON

Review of The Thomas Thorne Affair
Memories are a funny thing, aren’t they? We can each have the same experience yet remember it in completely different ways. It is often the smallest of things that can trigger these memories off – a musket ball does just that for Thomas and we begin to find out the different recollections of what happened on his death day.
I will be completely honest, when I first watched the different series of Ghosts – as they were released – I didn’t like Thomas at all, he grated on me. But then… series 5 happened and there was an edgier side of Thomas that I thoroughly appreciated. Watching the earlier series now, I have a completely different reaction to him and, quite frankly, was moved by to tears by this episode.
October 10th, 1824, the day of Thomas’ death which occurred at Higham House – what we now know to be Button House. Thomas has been invited to read a poem and relishes the opportunity to see his beloved Isabelle with whom he has a secret connection facilitated by his cousin acting as an intermediary.
Thomas, in his recollection of the events, paints himself as a talented poet but the memories of Kitty, Robin, Humphrey and Mary don’t quite match. Robin recalls, and I quote one of our favourite lines, “after he cleaned poo from his lady shoe” Thomas was reciting his poem which Robin found really boring, cue Robin then describing something completely irrelevant.
Mary then steps in, well as best she can given that she remembers Dandies and Wendies with wine coming out of their ears, wearing a lobster hat and turning into statues. Humphrey can only remember the shoes, but, when Kitty starts to recall her memory, we start to find out the real events of Thomas’ death day.
A misunderstanding leading to an ill-fated duel facilitated with Thomas dying alone under a tree waiting for his love Isabelle to come to his side. I thought Barclay was evil…. Thomas’ cousin is worse, and I want vengeance for Thomas.
On a lighter note. our catchphrase for this episode is “Sucked off” referring of course to the ghosts passing on to the other side and courtesy of Mary. Of course, this is very tongue in cheek and as adults we know that, slightly cringey moment when on an event I had a junior ask me if the spirits within the building we were investigating had been sucked off. Stunned silence, awkward glances exchanged and a quick change of subject.
Take away moment from this episode – don’t look up your partners exes on Facebook, chances are you won’t like what you find out. Ignorance can sometimes be bliss.
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You can watch The Thomas Thorne Affair on BBC iPlayer