The Tall Ghost is a spectral figure haunts the forgotten grounds of Rochdale’s historic Belfield Hall, writes GEMMA JOHNSON

The curious tale of The Tall Ghost begins with the uncovering of an unusually large skeleton in the mid-1800s at Belfield Hall.
Belfield Hall was a medieval manor house constructed by the De Belfield family, who had connections to the Knights Templar, a religious and military order founded in the 12th century. Belfield Hall sat on seven hectares of land, consisting of three large lakes and a vast range of outbuildings, creating a grand estate.
Sadly, Belfield Hall has since been built over, with a significant amount of land lost due to the construction of the Rochdale Canal, the railway, and general urbanisation of Rochdale. In its heyday, it was a much-loved, grandiose manor house, buzzing with activity and constant renovations.
The owners sought to keep up with the trends of the aristocracy. In the mid-1800s, a stone front was removed from the hall and replaced by a brick and stone structure similar to that of Kensington Palace.
During these renovations, workmen had to dig down into a passage that ran along the front of the building. In doing so, they uncovered a skeleton, unlike any other they had seen before. This one was over seven feet in height and yellow in colour. Examination revealed that death had occurred due to a head injury, evident from a large cut in the skull.
It remained uncertain who he was or how long he had been buried there. However, the location of the burial indicated that he was likely a man of importance.
Word spread around the town of ‘The Yellow Skeleton’, and it was removed and put on display at St Chad’s Church for several years, where it became a tourist attraction. Eventually, the skeleton was buried within the church grounds.
But this is not where the story ends. It seems that by disturbing the skeleton from its resting place in the grounds of Belfield Hall, the soul of the gentleman to whom it belonged had returned.
A monk began to be seen wandering through the manor house, rising from the garden and moving through the beds of flowers—the very site where ‘The Yellow Skeleton’ had been unearthed. Those who saw him reported that he moved without noise through the gardens into the house, where he would walk through various rooms until he found the library. There, he would sit and read a book before disappearing a few moments later.
The Tall Ghost was reported to appear as clear as day, with a jet-black robe covering his whole body, his face deep in thought. Stories of The Tall Ghost spread far and wide throughout the township.
As the land and buildings succumbed to industrialisation and urbanisation, the tales of The Tall Ghost diminished. Did his appearances decrease because he was no longer spoken of? Or could it be that he is still seen, but people are too nervous to share their experiences of The Tall Ghost?
Whatever his fate, The Tall Ghost remains a fascinating part of the supernatural history of Rochdale.
Have you ever heard of The Tall Ghost or had your own supernatural experience in Rochdale? Share your story in the comments below!