Peterborough is an ancient cathedral city that has many places where ghosts have been seen. TRACY MONGER takes a look at some haunted places in the Cambridgeshire city.

Peterborough Museum
Peterborough Museum, Priestgate, has many ghosts.
One day in September of 1931, the caretaker’s wife locked the museum and 30 minutes later, she heard what she thought was her family in the stairwell.
However, she encountered a man in his 30s, wearing a green suit and brown hair.
Soon she realised, he was not a person. He floated up the stairs, she heard footsteps, he walked through a closed door, and then he vanished.
He is thought to be Sergeant Thomas Hunter, who died in the hospital on the 31st July 1916. He has also been seen as a grey figure and a strange figure was captured on camera in April of 2007.

A Roman soldier has been seen in the archaeology gallery and it is thought he is connected to his sword. A child leaves messages on recording equipment in the Geology gallery. Thomas Cooke has been felt in his old bedroom on the first floor.
Poltergeist activity has been reported on the ground floor, a white lady on the upper floors, follow visitors around.
The back stairs, the feeling of being pushed and feeling of illness and strange noises are heard.
On the first floor, a dark male is sensed.
The cellar, a threatening male is felt, strange noises heard; door slamming, a hooded figure seen and items are thrown around. I have investigated here and it is in my top five list of active places.
Peterborough Cathedral
The Peterborough Cathedral has a phantom monk which is seen in the graveyard, while one disappears through a closed side door.
The sounds of a choir are heard and a light has been seen floating around the upper floors, which looks like a candle at the front of the building.
A little girl who was murdered in the 1860s has been seen in one of the precincts of the building. A stonemason and monk have also been seen.
HG’s Public House, Peterborough
At HG’s Public House in Cathedral Square, a dark shadowy figure has been seen on the stairwell, but no one can be found when the staff check.
Bell Inn Hotel, Great North Road, Peterborough
The Bell Inn Hotel, Great North Road, is a 17th-century coaching house.
A dark figure on horseback has been seen in the grounds and records show that Dick Turpin stayed for several days before he was captured.
His spirit seems to be more active on a Wednesday and he wanders the passages of the inn.
In the bedroom where Turpin had stayed, a fire was laid in 1962 and suddenly burst into flames.
Equipment is regularly moved or disappears from the kitchen and bar area but does reappear a few days later.
Guests have reported seeing a woman wearing period clothes in a corridor and other guests have woken early hours to see at the bottom of their bed a dark figure.
Staff report seeing shadow figures and have the feeling of being watched. Keys have been heard and a dog has been seen.
Queensgate Shopping Centre, Peterborough
A young child is heard giggling and footsteps have been heard and it is usually when the centre is closed to the public.
It is suggested that former residents are haunting this area as it used to be homes and shops.
Have you been to Peterborough and seen a ghost or experienced something paranormal and unusual? Tell us about it in the comments section below!