Peter Fuller tells Spooky Isles about his passion for Vincent Price’s 1968 thriller Wichfinder General

Before you delve into the haunting world of Witchfinder General, the 1968 British horror classic, take a moment to explore its fascinating backstory. In a comprehensive video interview with Spooky Isles, Peter Fuller, a Vincent Price expert from Vincent Price Legacy UK, shares invaluable insights into the making of this iconic film.
Summary of Video
The film, directed by Michael Reeves, was originally adapted from a novel by Ronald Bassett. The story fictionalises the life of Matthew Hopkins, a self-appointed witchfinder responsible for the deaths of 300 people during the English Civil War.
Tony Tenser, the head of Tigon British Film Productions, saw the potential in the novel and gave Reeves carte blanche to adapt it into a “revenge western thriller.”
Vincent Price’s portrayal of Matthew Hopkins is one of his most villainous roles.
Initially, Price and Reeves had creative differences, but Price later acknowledged the director’s vision, which allowed him to bring depth to his character.
Ian Ogilvy, a childhood friend of Reeves, plays the role of Richard Marshall, a roundhead soldier seeking revenge against Hopkins. The cast also included Nikki Henson, who shared fond memories of working with Price.
The film’s locations are characters in themselves. Shot in the East Anglian countryside, the film captures the essence of the places where the real-life Hopkins operated.
Locations like the medieval village of Lavenham, Kersey, and Castle Acre provide a gothic and imposing backdrop that adds to the film’s atmosphere.
Released amidst the political turmoil of 1968, including student riots and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, the film resonated with audiences and critics alike.
Its legacy has been further cemented by film scholars who see it as a reflection of its tumultuous times.
In the US, the film was released as The Conqueror Worm to fit into AIP’s Edgar Allan Poe cycle, despite having no connection to Poe’s work. This version included a narration by Price, adding another layer to its complex history.
Peter Fuller’s insights offer a rich understanding of why Witchfinder General remains a well-loved classic today.
Whether you’re a first-time viewer or revisiting this masterpiece, Fuller’s stories from the cast and crew add a new dimension to the experience.
For a deeper dive into the making of Witchfinder General, watch the full video interview