Quick Paranormal Tips for the Impatient Ghosthunter


Paranormal investigations are thrilling, but it’s easy to mistake the ordinary for the extraordinary in the excitement. JAIMIE LEE-BARRON gives us some quick tips

Quick Paranormal Tips for the Impatient Ghosthunter

Embarking on a paranormal investigation can be an exciting adventure, but it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and mistake the ordinary for the extraordinary.

If you’re the kind of person who wants to get straight to the point and avoid being fooled by everyday occurrences, this guide is for you.

Here’s a rundown of common phenomena that are often mistaken for paranormal activity and why a healthy dose of scepticism is essential in ghost hunting.

The Usual Suspects: Everyday Explanations for Paranormal Phenomena

Drafty Windows and Creaky Doors

Old buildings are notorious for their drafty windows and creaky doors. Rattling window frames, doors that swing open or slam shut on their own, and hinges that squeak can easily be mistaken for ghostly activity.

Before you assume a spirit is at work, check the condition of the building’s fixtures. The wind can also whistle down long hallways, blowing curtains and even knocking things over, while creating those infamous “cold spots” with dramatic temperature drops.

Insects, Dust, and Mysterious Orbs

Insects and dust particles are everywhere, especially in abandoned or neglected buildings. When captured on camera, these tiny particles often appear as glowing orbs, leading many to believe they’ve caught something paranormal on film. But more often than not, these orbs are simply the result of debris reflecting the light.

Mice in the Piano and Other Noisy Critters

Imagine hearing eerie music in the dead of night, only to discover it’s being caused by mice running across the strings of a piano. Critters like mice, cockroaches, and other small animals can make quite a racket, especially when they’re in heat. The sounds they produce can be unnerving, but they’re far from supernatural.

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The Stench of the Past

Dead rats under the floorboards can create a horrid stench as they decay, often leading to an infestation of maggots and flies.

Likewise, nicotine from heavy smokers may have permeated the wallpaper and fabrics, releasing a smell that can make you feel like someone is smoking in the room with you. While these smells might seem ghostly, they’re usually the result of long-forgotten occupants.

Mind-Altering Fungi and Toxic Fumes

Certain fungi that grow in damp, old buildings can cause hallucinations, making you see or feel things that aren’t there.

Plants like Datura, certain prescription drugs, and carbon monoxide poisoning can also lead to similar experiences.

Always consider environmental factors before jumping to paranormal conclusions.

Unwanted Radio Signals and Unhappy Squatters

Sometimes, household appliances or even dental braces can pick up stray radio signals, leading to strange noises that seem to come out of nowhere. Additionally, if the building is being used as a squat, the residents may not appreciate paranormal investigators disturbing them, leading to confrontations that could easily be mistaken for ghostly encounters.

The Power of Suggestion

Myths and legends about a location can prime your mind to see or hear things that aren’t really there.

Retinal fatigue, for instance, can cause your eyes to play tricks on you if you stare at something for too long.

Shadows, hat stands, and old, distorted glass can all contribute to the illusion of a ghostly presence.

Pareidolia and the Influence of Infrasound

Audio and visual pareidolia – the tendency to perceive familiar patterns where none exist – can cause you to see faces in the dark or hear voices in the wind.

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Infrasound, or low-frequency sound, can also induce feelings of unease or even cause visual disturbances. Geological, environmental, and architectural factors should all be considered when evaluating a potential haunting.

The Importance of Proper Training and Investigation

When all ordinary explanations have been ruled out, only then should you consider the possibility of a residual or sentient haunting.

However, it’s crucial to approach this with the proper training in scientific research methods and investigative techniques. Without the right tools and knowledge, it’s difficult to debunk, eliminate, or verify paranormal claims fairly.

Proper training also equips you to know when it’s time to step back. If events begin to take a more sinister turn, it’s better and safer to back off than to press forward without fully understanding what you’re dealing with.

A Note on the Demonic

If you ever encounter something that you suspect might be “demonic”, remember that what is often described as classic “haunted house” phenomena (such as poltergeist activity) can also be what members of the clergy refer to as an “infestation” – a form of infernal assault by an evil spirit. This is another reason why proper training and cautious investigation are so important in the field of paranormal research.

Paranormal investigation is as much about understanding the natural world as it is about exploring the supernatural.

By keeping these practical tips in mind, you can approach your investigations with a balanced perspective, ensuring that you don’t mistake the ordinary for the extraordinary.

With the right mindset and proper training, you’ll be better equipped to discern between what’s real and what’s merely a trick of the mind—or the wind.

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