Haunted Rochester Castle and Lady Blanche’s Ghost


Discover the tragic tale of Lady Blanche de Warenne, whose ghost is said to haunt Rochester Castle, a site infamous for its violent history and paranormal activity

Rochester Castle

Rochester Castle is not just a relic of medieval England, it’s also one of the most haunted places in the country.

Visitors have reported seeing the ghost of Lady Blanche de Warenne, a young woman tragically killed within its walls.

Her spirit is said to still walk the castle, serving as a reminder of a terrible accident that happened centuries ago.

But how did this chilling story begin, and what makes Rochester Castle so infamous in the paranormal world?

Rochester’s Violent History

Rochester Castle in Kent, built in 1087 by Bishop Gundulf, has stood as a fortress on the banks of the River Medway for almost 1,000 years.

It was designed to protect against invaders and played a crucial role in some of England’s most significant historical events.

One of the bloodiest moments in its past came in 1215, when King John laid siege to the castle.

Rebel barons had taken control of it, and John’s forces bombarded the walls for months.

Eventually, the southeast tower was breached, and the rebels were defeated.

However, this was not the last time Rochester Castle would be caught in the crossfire.

In 1264, during the Second Barons’ War, it was under siege again. This time by the forces of Simon de Montfort, a powerful baron who opposed the king.

Inside the castle was Lady Blanche de Warenne, engaged to one of the castle’s defenders, Sir Ralph de Capo.

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Little did she know her fate would be sealed not by the enemy, but by a tragic mistake.

The Haunting of Lady Blanche

According to legend, Lady Blanche was inside the castle during the siege when a former suitor, Gilbert de Clare, forced his way in.

De Clare had been rejected by Lady Blanche before, and in his rage, he found her on the castle’s battlements and attempted to assault her.

As she struggled, Sir Ralph saw the scene from below and, believing his beloved was in danger, shot an arrow in a desperate attempt to save her.

But instead of hitting de Clare, the arrow glanced off his armour and struck Lady Blanche through the heart, killing her instantly.

Since that terrible day, Lady Blanche’s ghost has been seen wandering the ruins of Rochester Castle.

Many visitors report seeing a white figure standing on the battlements, sometimes clutching her chest where the arrow struck.

Others say they’ve heard her cries for help echoing through the stone halls.

The most chilling sightings occur on Good Friday, the anniversary of her death, when some claim to see her tragic final moments re-enacted – an arrow flying through the air before she falls from the castle’s heights.

In addition to Lady Blanche’s spirit, there are rumours that the ghost of Charles Dickens, the famous author, haunts the grounds.

Dickens had a strong connection to Rochester and wished to be buried there, though he was ultimately laid to rest in Westminster Abbey.

Some say his ghost can be seen wandering the old moat, which was once a burial ground.

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Rochester Castle Today

Today, Rochester Castle is a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors eager to explore its medieval history and haunted reputation.

Its towering keep, one of the best-preserved in England, still dominates the skyline, and the site is open to the public year-round.

Ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts often visit in hopes of catching a glimpse of Lady Blanche or hearing the mysterious sounds reported for centuries.

In 1992, the castle was even the site of a full-scale paranormal investigation.

A team from the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP) conducted an all-night vigil to try and capture evidence of the supernatural.

While no ghosts were seen, strange noises were recorded, and footsteps were heard when no one was around.

One unexplained event involved a motion sensor light that repeatedly turned on and off, even though no one was near it.

Rochester Castle may look like a quiet ruin by day, but by night, its dark past comes alive.

The tragic tale of Lady Blanche de Warenne and countless reports of paranormal activity make this ancient fortress a must-visit for anyone fascinated by the supernatural.

Have you been to Rochester Castle? Tell us your experience, especially if you saw a ghost, in the comments section below!

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