Is Stanmore North London’s most haunted suburb?


We look at shocking tales from Haunted Stanmore in North West London…

Haunted Stanmore Common
Haunted Stanmore Common

A41, by Stanmore

On the 13 October 1985, a man alerted police when he appeared to have run over a man and his dog. The pair went over the bonnet of the car when it ran into them, but when the driver investigated, he could find no sign of them. The car was not damaged.

Anmer Lodge

In January 1987, a cat named Peppi, who lived in a nursing home here, supposedly came to fiery end, literally, by bursting into a blue flame, replete with a bang and flash.

Honeypot Lane

A rushing noise and feeling of dread is associated with the psychic residue of a battle between the Romans and Britons on this site.

Old Church Farm/Lane

The old rectory was the haunt of a strange ghost that rose from a grave, entered the premesis, before returning to the grave.

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Brockley Hill

A nunnery once stood on the site of the hospital, which is the scene of a cyclical haunting, in which a ghostly grey lady flits through every 13 November, though the last sighting appears to be 30 November 2009.

Stanmore Common

The large park and nature reserve is said to have been the site of Boudicea’s last battle, though this is perhaps a bit of fakelore cooked up in the 19th century.

Have you experienced the paranormal in Haunted London: Stanmore HA7 or know of a local story? Let us know in the Comments section below or Contact us here.

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  1. Hi,
    I found your website in the local Stanmore magazine. With an article about something happening on the A41 Stanmore.
    Two years ago I was out running along the A41 in Stanmore. Early one Sunday morning, bit foggy and gloomy about 7am. Out of the mist I saw a figure run across the road, outline caught in a car headlights. Looked like a big man and dog. The figure started running from a side of the road with no pavement, just a large hedge boarding a field. No gaps in the hedge and nothing in the field except grass. The figure went straight across from the hedge side to my side maybe fifty metres in front of me. At that time in the morning there is only the occasional car. Something really odd about the figure. Just black, effortless. It started to move toward me. Something got me going, I turned around and ran back to the roundabout with Elstree road and then really sprinted up Elstree Road toward Bushey. Not daring to look back until I saw a couple of cars driving passed. Nothing there. To this day I have not been back to that stretch of road for a run. Even in daylight.

  2. Stayed here last night (19-4-19) at Orchard accom opposite allotment nr old tennis court and was scared shitless because of a strange breathing noise which went on for what seemed like hours but was probably about 20m. The strange thing is I videod the room I was in and when I played it back no breathing was there, only a even scarier screaming noise. I am not the sort of man to get scared or freaked out because of stuff like this but last nights events made every hair on my body stand up with chills down my spine, and even made my eyes stream with fear, I’m not ashamed to say I was crying but this wasn’t crying as such, it was a fear mechanism the body must have. Hope it’s last time I ever get it as it ain’t good feeling.


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