14 Hammer Horror Actors Who Appeared in James Bond


Hammer Horror and James Bond were a staple of the British Film Industry during the 1960s and 70s. So it’s little surprise that the films drew from the same talent pool. Here are some actors who appeared in both fantastic worlds of Hammer and 007.

Christopher Lee faces off against Roger Moore in The Man with the Golden Gun, one of the many Hammer Horror James Bond actor crossovers over the years...
Christopher Lee faces off against Roger Moore in The Man with the Golden Gun, one of the many Hammer Horror James Bond actor crossovers over the years…

Charles Gray

Charles Gray in The Devil Rides Out
Mocata in The Devil Rides Out
Charles Gray in Diamonds Are Forever
Ernst Stavro Blofield in Diamonds Are Forever

Madeline Smith

Ingrid Pitt and Madeline Smith in The Vampire Lovers
Emma (with Ingrid Pitt) in The Vampire Lovers
Madeline Smith and Roger Moore in Live and Let Die
Miss Caruso (with Roger Moore) in Live and Let Die

Bernard Lee

Bernard Lee in Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell
Tarmut in Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell
Bernard Lee in On Her Majesty's Secret Service
M in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service

Geoffrey Keen

Geoffrey Keen and Madeline Smith in Taste The Blood of Dracula
William Hargood (with Madeline Smith) in Taste The Blood of Dracula
Geoffrey Keen in The Spy Who Loved Me
Fredrick Gray in The Spy Who Loved Me

Caroline Munro

Caroline Munro in Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter
Carla in Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter
Caroline Munro in The Spy Who Loved Me
Naomi in The Spy Who Loved Me

Eunice Gayson

Eunice Gayson in Revenge of Frankenstein
Margaret in Revenge of Frankenstein
Eunice Gayson in Dr No
Sylvia Trench in Dr No

Anthony Dawson

Anthony Dawson in Curse of the Werewolf
Marques Siniestro in Curse of the Werewolf
Anthony Dawson in From Russian With Love
The body of Ernst Stavro Blofeld in From Russian With Love

Valerie Leon

Valerie Leon in Blood from the Mummy's Tomb
Margaret Fuchs/Queen Tera in Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb
Sean Connery and Valerie Leon in Never Say Never Again
“Lady in Bahamas” (with Sean Connery) in Never Say Never Again

Desmond Llewelyn

Desmond Llewelyn in Curse of the Werewolf
Servant in Curse of the Werewolf
Desmond Llewelyn in Thunderball
Major Boothroyd aka Q in Thunderball

Peter Maddern

Peter Maddern in Frankenstein Created Woman
Chief of Police in Frankenstein Created Woman
Peter Maddern in From Russia With Love
McAdams in From Russia With Love

Robert Brown

Robert Brown in One Million Years BC
Akhoba in One Million Years BC
Robert Brown in Licensed to Kill
M in Licensed to Kill

Martine Beswick

Martine Beswick in Sister Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Mrs Edwina Hyde in Sister Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Martin Beswick in From Russia With Love
Zora n From Russia With Love

Jenny Hanley

Jenny Hanley in Scars of Dracula
Sarah Framsen in Scars of Dracula
Jenny Hanley in On Her Majestys Secret Service
Irish Girl in On Her Majestys Secret Service

And finally, the greatest of them all – Christopher Lee!

Christopher Lee in Dracula AD 1972
Count Dracula in Dracula AD 1972
Christopher Lee as Scaramanga in The Man with the Golden Gun
Scaramanga in The Man with the Golden Gun

Have we missed anyone out? Tell us below any Hammer-James Bond connections we’ve forgotten!

READ:  The Gorgon 1964 REVIEW


  1. hi team, just a little note to add the name of Edward de Souza to your list of actors with a connection to both Hammer and Bond. He appeared in both ‘Phantom of the Opera’ (1962) and ‘The Spy who loved Me’ (1977). Only just discovered your excellent site!

  2. It’s Martine Beswick, not “Martin”. And she was in both FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE and THUNDERBALL, not just FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE. Her Hammer films not only included DR. JEKYLL AND SISTER HYDE, but also ONE MILLION YEARS B.C. and PREHISTORIC WOMEN. In more recent years, she added an “e” to the end of her last name, changing “Beswick” to “Beswicke.”

  3. Joanna Lumley starred as Jessica van Helsing in The Satanic Rites of Dracula and was in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

    Also, Charles Gray was in two Bond films. In addition to playing Ernst Stavro Blofeld in Diamonds Are Forever, as shown in the article he also played Dikko Henderson in You Only Live Twice.


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