Hammer Dracula films, ranked from best to worst


Hammer made nine films based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula. RICHARD PHILLIPS-JONES ranks these Hammer Dracula films in order from best to worst!

1. Dracula (1958)

Dracula aka Horror of Dracula, Hammer Dracula films

An obvious choice, perhaps.

But as far as I’m concerned, this is the daddy of them all, one of the most important British horror films ever, and a rollicking rollercoaster ride to boot.

Still fresh as the day it was released, and there’s not many films from 1958 that can say that.

Read more about 13 things you didn’t know about the making of Dracula (1958) here.

2. Brides of Dracula (1960)

Brides of Dracula Poster

A popular audience choice as best-in-series.

Hammer refine their formula, and the lack of Lee’s Count is more than made up for with Peter Cushing further exploring the possibilities in Van Helsing’s character.

A film packed with memorable set pieces, and David Peel’s slightly Oedipal Baron Meinster.

Read more about Brides of Dracula (1960) here.

3. Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968)

Dracula Has Risen from the Grave

Freddie Francis (standing in for an ailing Terence Fisher) brings a new visual flair to the series, opening with a shocking set piece and utilising a few tricks from the cinematographer’s handbook.

Lee gets a little more to do than in his last outing, but this is also an endearing love story at heart.

Read more about Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968) here.

4. Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)

Dracula: Prince of Darkness

Very much a consolidation exercise, reminding audiences that Lee’s Count was back in the saddle.

Wonderful moments, with Barbara Shelley a fetching addition to the annals of the undead, but the decision to make Dracula mute was a poor one which would blight the next couple of entries.

READ:  The Karnstein Trilogy: Hammer's Sexy Vampires

Read more about Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966) here.

5. Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970)

Taste the Blood of Dracula

In which Ralph Bates almost became Hammer’s new Dracula (but that’s another story).

The sudden return of Christopher Lee means this is very much a film of two halves, but very entertaining halves nonetheless.

Read more about Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970) here.

6. The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)

Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires Poster

Does this Count count?

I’m going to stick my neck out and say yes, since the tale leads us back to Dracula for the denouement, albeit with John Forbes-Robertson replacing an unwilling Christopher Lee. Kung-Fu vampire flicks don’t come any better than this.

Read more about The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) here.

7. The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973)

Satanic Rites of Dracula

Makes an arguably better stab of placing Hammer’s Dracula in a contemporary setting than the previous effort.

Flawed certainly, but full of fascinating ideas.

And, what’s not to like about a cellar full of femme vampires?

Sadly, misrepresented by a glut of poor quality, public-domain releases over the years, it deserves better.

Read more about The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973) here.

8. Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)

Dracula AD 1972 Poster

Daft as hell, mad as a box of frogs.

Its somewhat quaint attempts to get hip and down with the kids are hilarious, and yet it still holds a dear place in many hearts (your correspondent included).

Also features a live performance by Stoneground for all you psychedelic rock fans (your correspondent included).

Read more about Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972) here.

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9. Scars of Dracula (1970)

Scars of Dracula poster

A film which only appears in last place, because… well, one of them had to.

A film which is nowhere near as bad as its reputation might suggest, and tries boldly to get the Count back to his origins as the seemingly courteous host. Sadly fell victim to cost-cutting by its backers.

Read more about Scars of Dracula (1970) here.

That was our list of Hammer Dracula films. Do you agree with our choices? Tell us what you think (and maybe do your own ranking) in the Comments Section below!

READ: The Children and Blood Relations of Dracula in Film History


  1. I love ALL the Lee Dracula films, and never get tired of watching them. However, I must agree with your nomination of the very first Dracula (1958) movie as No. 1.

  2. Agree with most of the choices with the exception of ‘Dracula AD 72’ and the ‘Satanic Rights of Dracula’. By this time ‘Hammer’s Best Days were over. The orange had been well and truly squeezed and we were just left with the pips! Had not the studio blackmailed him by saying he would put people out of work, Christopher Lee would not have appeared in either of these films

  3. I just watched something called “Dracula and His Vampire Bride” from, I believe, 1974. It’s a Hammer Film but I don’t see it in the list.

    • Hi Stephan, Dracula and his Vampire Bride is the name given to a heavily-edited version of The Satanic Rites of Dracula that was released in the US a few years later. Cheers

  4. I totally agree with the list. I saw the first Horror of Dracula in 1958 at a theatre in Canada. It frightened me so much as a twelve year old, I spent much of the film in the lobby,when my friends dragged me back in to the DARK.I have seen that flick about 20 times since,It has become one of my favorite movies of all time..Fisher’s direction,Sangster’s script,the music,the sets, Cushing and Lee in the title roles , It is a true classic and moves like a freight train. I enjoyed the rest of the Fisher directed Dracula’s,but they lost impact after Terence left. I just wish Chris Lee had chosen to appear in “ Brides”.I’m going to watch the 1958 iconic original in 7 days 2020 Halloween

  5. Commented on the individual review sites, the American opening of “Risen…” was my intro to Hammer a couple of months prior to my 9th birthday. I understand the ratings and the commentary, but I gotta have “Risen…” as #1. Possibly never would have seen the rest if I hadn’t gone to that film.
    Was a rabid and insatiable Universal and RKO horror/sci-fi fan as a very young kid, but in the mid ’60’s rural Indiana wasn’t where one saw Hammer products. That was Indianapolis, and my wealthy maternal Gramma, who also took me to the opening of Kubrick’s “2001”. Miss that woman, deeply.

  6. Dracula
    Brides of Dracula
    Dracula has risen from the grave
    Dracula prince of darkness
    Scars of Dracula
    Taste the Blood of Dracula
    Satanic Rites of Dracula
    Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires
    Dracula A.D. 1972

  7. I’m surprised that my very favorite Dracula movie is not listed….”Horror of Dracula” with Lee and Cushing. It’s a compact, short film, but somewhat true to the book, actually.


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