Ghosts BBC: A Top 10 Episode Countdown


Ghosts BBC may be over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t go back and enjoy the many wonderfully funny episodes. GEMMA JOHNSON picks her top 10 of the spooky comedy series.

Ghosts BBC Series 1 (2019)

The final ever episode of Ghosts BBC aired at Christmas, but we just couldn’t leave it there.  As a family, there has been much discussion here about what our favourite episodes are and so we present our Top 10 countdown. (Whilst no family members were harmed in the compiling of this list, there were some words exchanged about the order that they go in!)

Top 10 Ghosts BBC Episodes

10. Who Do You Think You Are?: Series 1, Episode 1

This was the first episode of Ghosts BBC; we are introduced to the other worldly cast and the humans (Mike and Alison) who were to be the new inhabitants of Button House. I would have been completely thrilled with inheriting Button House and even more delighted to find that I had to share it with ghosts.  As I don’t have any distant relatives with huge old houses, I will settle with playing the lottery and keeping my fingers crossed. Favourite moment in this episode “Daddy gonna put a hole in the wall”… you know the rest! Read review of this episode.

9. The Hardest Word: Series 4, Episode 3

Can we just mention that our favourite Christmas song is Do They Know It’s Christmas by Band Aid and so we were all beside ourselves when Julian suggests using that as a model to compose a song to apologise to Alison. We are all endeared by the ghosts but even more so when hearing them sing.  Favourite moment in this episode – Humphrey trying to teach Robin how to say Apothecary. 

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8. The Grey Lady: Series 2, Episode 1

At Junior Paranormal Events, we offer paranormal events for children and young people so naturally you can imagine our delight when this episode aired! Fanny can be seen on camera, cue lots of stereotypical paranormal investigators lining up eager to catch a glimpse of The Grey Lady.  Paranormal investigating is a bit odd on the face of it – we admit that – but we loved how they took that and ran with it within this episode.  Favourite moment in this episode – The oddball lead investigator “It’s getting proper spooky”.

7. Happy Holiday: Series 4, Episode 1

Alison and Mike open up the Gatehouse, but it is the background stories that make this episode Top 10 material.  Cue Pat trying to explain what a holiday is to Mary – starting with excitement and ending up with everyone getting diarrhoea. By far the absolute standout moments of this episode were the plague people becoming obsessed with Thomas.  At first, he is confused but then enters into full on diva mode and we loved it! Favourite moment in this episode – The plague people completely fangirling over Thomas.

6. Not Again: Series 4, Episode 6

The Gatehouse is up and running as are Alison and Mike as they chase around after the demands of the guests.  Mike is also determined to make the décor of Button Hall unique and with that he purchases a stuffed bear much to the horror of Robin as it stirs frightening memories for him. However, it is the discussions around what Vegan guests can eat which was highly entertaining here.  Favourite moment in this episode – Pat finding out that Vegans don’t eat eggs “What are they having with their chips?”

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5. Pineapple Day: Series 5, Episode 3

The focus for this episode is exploring the circumstances around Kitty’s death.  In a prior series we are privy to the difficult relationship that Kitty had with her sister.  Her fellow ghosts are sure it was the sister who was responsible for Kitty’s death, it was delightful to see them all becoming detectives.  Favourite moment in this episode – Thomas “Bitch” Captain “Thomas you really must stop listening to rap music”. Read review of Pineapple Day episode.

4. The Woodworm Men: Series 3, Episode 3

An old house with woodworm, who would have thought it? Well not Mary apparently who didn’t get the memo and is most alarmed. The ghosts, along with Mike and Alison decide to seek refuge in the outdoors with a good old-fashioned camp out – I am not a camper at all, and I personally would have checked into a hotel. What is the best part of camping?  Well according to Pat, it is having a cuppa and a biscuit.  Favourite moment in this episode – Pat lurking over Alison’s shoulder licking his lips as she dips her biscuit into her tea “Dip it again….”

3. Speak as Ye Choose: Series 4, Episode 2

Oh Mary… we love Mary! A formerly meek and mild Mary finds her voice in this episode and shares her journey with the slightly unwilling Julian. What a voice she has, and we were so pleased to see her finally use it and come into her own. The ghosts are also privy to finally hearing Mary’s story after many attempts to persuade her.  Favourite moment in this episode – the look on all of the ghosts faces when they have heard the horror of Mary’s passing. Read review of Speak as Ye Choose episode.

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2. Moonah Ston: Series 1, Episode 5

The main focus of this story is Alison and Mike feverishly trying to build a connection with the abhorrent neighbour Barclay, and his drunken wife Bunny, so that they can reach an agreement on some land.  However, main star by far for us here was Robin and his quest to celebrate ‘Moonah Ston’.  Favourite moment in this episode – the ghosts ritual chanting and dancing around the dining table with Mike, Barclay and Bunny totally oblivious. Read review of Moonah Ston episode.

1.  It’s Behind You: Series 4 Christmas Special

I have previously reviewed this Christmas special for Spooky Isles and so it should come as no surprise that this is number 1.  Although, I have to add that there were some interesting arguments for other episodes listed to be at the top slot, but I am writing this, so I got the final say. I love this episode for so many reasons – the pantomime, Thomas being a diva, Captain being the Fairy Godmother….  Favourite moment in this episode – one of the plague people squaring up to Fanny for being mean to Cinderella. Read review of It’s Behind You: Series 4 Christmas Special.

It wasn’t easy to put this list together.  As we were working through it there were so many other episodes that popped up.  I am sure that you have your own favourites!

Tell us your favourite Ghosts BBC episode in the comments section below!


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