The Northern Ireland Paranormal Research Association (NIPRA) has been working for over 20 years to explain the unexplainable. Its founder WARREN COATES discusses why ghost hunting Northern Irish-style is so much fun.

For as long as I can remember, I have had an interest in all things paranormal.
I remember getting “The Hamlyn Book of Ghosts” as a birthday present aged eight and this interest continued for a few years.
My brother and a friend used to go to locations that were said to be haunted, looking to debunk rather than prove them real, and it was at this stage that I had my first paranormal experience.
In a graveyard one summer evening, my brother and I saw a tall, dark shadow in the shape of a man move along the walkway into the church.
This was the turning point for me from sceptic to believer.
Our investigating equipment at the time left a lot to be desired.
We used a tape Dictaphone machine and an old camcorder (a very big, old one), although we did have some success with EVPs.
This interest grew until 1991 when I started NIPRA.
We have been very lucky over the years to have investigated some very large and high-level locations, from Castle Ward (a large manor house owned by the National Trust), several nursing homes, old police and army buildings to our ultimate venue – Crumlin Road Jail (pictured in main photos).
This is one of the most active and menacing places I have ever been involved with.

Crumlin Jail is an old Victorian prison which has seen over 16 executions, many murders and suicides.
It is full of the energies of past inmates and investigators have had keys, stones and bottles thrown at us.
We hear screams, shouts and voices along with seeing several apparitions.
Although we lead Ghost Walks through the site, we were also given full access to conduct a six-month private investigation in the jail.
Ghost hunts and tours organised by NIPRA
Richhill Castle in Armagh is another of our venues. Built in the late 16th Century, it is a building steeped in local history, with Ghost Tours organised by NIPRA.
The castle is one of the most peaceful and welcoming places we have ever investigated, with returning spirits and a ghostly horse and rider who gallop into the driveway.
The horse can be heard snorting, and at times both have also been seen.
NIPRA also run open nights, which are designed for people who have had or are experiencing paranormal activity.
We explain what the paranormal is and more importantly what it is not.
I always try to explain why a spirit may be haunting a location and to help people try to communicate with the spirits.
Attendance at the open night is the only way to join NIPRA.
We are a spirit-based group and still use some equipment but also work with mediumship.
We help people tune into the spirit word and develop their medium ship abilities.
Talks on the paranormal, occult and alternative religions are also available.
Sounds really interesting. Love it
hi my girlfriend is interested in going ghosthunting but isnt sure where does the ghost hunting activity weekend in northern ireland we have searched for months can you contact her and advise her if it is possible to do this thanks
I went to the jail for a tour. On that occasion I experienced nothing . I do like a good spook but it takes a lot. I have had a really unnerving experience in tardree Forrest .a few years back, Everyone has a story about some experience or other up there and its roumoured to had had groups practicing dark arts. But without warning or thinking about anything ghostly I was overwhelmed with a gripping terror and a real desire to run. The hairs on my body stood on end and it was hours before I could relax. I would love to be I loved in an investigation up there . I have a level enough head In that I strolled through the crumlin road jail uneffected. I really beleive something serious is lurking up there.
Would you take on this challenge ?
Have you ever heard or reports from this area before
It has been a popular suicide spot.
Hi do y have any ghost hunts in belfast between 21/08 to the 25/08
Cheers Ann marie
You should contact Warren at directly for that information. Cheers DS
went to carrick night …………biggest load of shite ever ……………I was amazed that upon hearing the radio blocker people actually were interacting !!! jez guys get real ……..we left 2 hours early ….also the *panters* when challenged disappearded…………….
For the last 5-6weeks I have been seeing dark shadows passing my almost closed living room door,I am a believer,but thought it was my dog who passed last November 30. However, 3am, a photograph I have,which the top is shoved approx an inch into my mirror at the top,and blue tacked at the bottom,came flying of the mirror at least 5feet to the left of the mirror and left a visible dent in my hoodie that I’d laid there hours earlier.I felt unbelievable chills,and commenced reciting the Lord’s prayer. If you could give me some help I really would appreciate it, I really don’t feel like I am alone in this house.