Earlshall Castle, Fife: A Haunted Guide


Earlshall Castle in Fife is one of Scotland’s most historic and haunted places to visit. GREGOR STEWART continues his series looking at the Most Haunted Scottish Castles…

This four-storey castle on the edge of the village of Leuchars was constructed in 1546 for Sir William Bruce.

Sir Bruce is probably best noted as being one of the few noblemen who fought in the Battle of Flodden in 1513 and survived.

Earlshall Castle, Fife, Scotland
Earlshall Castle, Fife, Scotland

The castle remained the home for of the Bruce family for several centuries, but was abandoned in the 19th century.

In 1891 restoration started on the castle on behalf of R.W.R MacKenzie, a partner in a nearby cotton mill.

After Earlshall Castle was restored, it was sold several times and remains a private home.

Ghostly servant girl seen at Earlshall Castle

There have been sightings of the ghost of a servant girl at the castle. However, the castle is also haunted by a more sinister figure.

There are conflicting theories on whether this is the ghost of Sir William Bruce, or one of his descendants, Andrew Bruce.

Andrew Bruce was a brutal persecutor of the Covenanters, a religious movement which opposed the introduction of bishops into the Church of Scotland to control the Church on behalf of the King, earning him the nickname ‘Bluidy Bruce’ (Bloody Bruce).

As the phantom figure is often seen in a room used by Andrew Bruce as a bedroom, and heavy footsteps are heard from the staircase if would see more likely that it is ‘Bluidy Bruce’ who still walks Earlshall Castle.

READ:  Leith Hall, Most Haunted (S3, E4) REVIEW

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