Day of the Unexplained: Ireland’s Biggest Paranormal Event


18 February 2023 sees Day of the Unexplained, the biggest one day paranormal event Ireland has seen in many years and Spooky Isles will be there to experience it first hand! ANN MASSEY tells us more.

Day of the Unexplained

Lá an gan mhíniú (Day of the Unexplained) has an amazing list of back to back guest speakers, discussions, socialising and stalls with holistic and mystical items, crystals, books, merchandise and paranormal paraphernalia. St Michael’s Theatre is the venue for this spooky gathering, in the small town of New Ross in Ireland’s Ancient East.

Hundreds of Ireland’s finest paranormal investigators will descent on the County Wexford town in the days leading up to the event, eager to be a part of this para-history making occasion.

Of course, the County of Wexford is notorious for paranormal activity and home to the infamous Loftus Hall. It was a natural choice for a ghostly gathering, but ghosts aren’t the only item on the agenda.

All aspects of the supernatural genre, including psychical study and UFOs are covered, giving the paranormal community a much longed for opportunity to come together and hear from the experts, opening the floor for much debate and discussion. 

Day of the Unexplained is the brainchild of GhostEiré’s Anthony Kerrigan and Mary Nolan of Back In Time Paranormal. Both veteran paranormal investigators,they took on the challenge of bringing together some of the best speakers and experts in the field, for the benefit of paranormal teams everywhere for a completely inclusive event. We asked Mary, why?

“The idea of the Convention was to bring together like minded individuals together, whereby we could impart our knowledge, have open discussions and learn from the best. The diverse line up was created to cover as many aspects of the “unexplained” as we possibly could in one day. From here, the Day of the Unexplained was born.”

Day of the Unexplained Keynote Speakers include:

  • Dr Ciaran O’Keeffe, known for TV’s Most Haunted, is a psychologist who specialises in parapsychology and forensic psychology, lecturing in both. 
  • Steve Parsons is a leading paranormal investigator, who currently sits on the Council of the Society for Psychical Research. With numerous TV and media appearances, he has earned his stellar reputation over decades and has helped develop several methods of investigation in use today.
  • Helena B. Scott is a writer, historian, mental and light trance medium and psychic investigator, bringing her expertise in the occult to the forefront.
  • Dr Eamonn Ansbro is an astronomer affiliated with the European Space Agency. He has spent the past 30 years searching the skies and documenting  UFO activity.
  • Warren Coates is the founder of arguably the island of Ireland’s longest running paranormal team in the form of the Northern Ireland Paranormal Research Association. His work as a tour guide and ranger make him ideal to talk about the extraordinary history, geography and hauntings he has encountered.
  • Dr Gillian O’Brien is an author and academic in Irish Modern History, and has written on Ireland’s places of famine, death and rebellion. She specialises in Dark History and Dark Tourism.
READ:  Britain's Haunted First Responders

With more speakers on the agenda, some of Ireland’s most notable paranormal teams in attendance and social activities for inclusion and fun, it really is an opportunity not to be missed and we can’t wait to let you know what happens! 

For more information email or visit 

Day of the Unexplained


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