David Barrett: Ghosts Are Here Due In Part To Unfinished Business


David Barrett, a Paranormal Investigator based in Lanarksire, Scotland, talks to MJ STEEL COLLINS about his work.

David Barrett
David Barrett

David Barrett Interview

MJ STEEL COLLINS: What led to your interest in the Paranormal?

DAVID BARRETT: Strange things happened in my house when I was growing up.  When my Grandmother passed away in our house, all the clocks in the house stopped at that exact moment.  I have also possibly seen the spirit of my Aunt when I was 12.  They peaked my interest.  Later on I went on my first ghost event, and some of the activity was so great I still can’t explain it.  And my journey began from here.

When did you become an investigator and how would you describe your experience in this field?

I become an investigator after years of picking up tips and gaining experience from events and other investigators.  3 years I formed a team with my friend, Ian Ainsley, called Knights Templar Paranormal Order.  We have now formed Project Paranormal West Midlands.

Can you tell us about the investigation teams you have been a part of?

Firstly I formed Knights Templar Paranormal Order with Ian.  Ian is a demonologists, and Im from a scientific background and we work well together.  We have now formed project Paranormal West Midlands with my wife becoming more involved.  We travel the UK, investigating haunted locations.

Of all the haunted locations you have visited, which are your favourite and why?

My favourite place in the UK that I’ve investigated in the UK was Inveraray Jail.  I find this place really interesting and has some great history to it.  I’ve investigated there a few times, the latest was with Ian and my wife Karen.  I also love to investigate castles as they are so full of history, my favourite being Bran Castle (Dracula Castle) in Romania.

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Many people have different ideas about what is behind ghosts and hauntings – what is yours?

From my view, ghosts are here due in part to unfinished business.  Could also be that they don’t know how to cross over to the light.  I also believe that they remain here sometimes due to an attachment to something.

What advice would you give to people wishing to enter the paranormal investigation for the first time?

When first investigating the Paranormal, my first tip is never go yourself.  Always carry a torch as you usually end up somewhere dark. You also don’t need to spend a large amount of money on equipment.  When starting off, I would recommend going on some events, as you pick up great tips.


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