DAVID BARRETT takes a look back at the Culzean Castle Most Haunted episode

Episode Title: Culzean Castle
Location: Maybole, Ayrshire
Series: 1 Episode Number: 6
Originally broadcast: 2001-2002
Main Medium: Derek Acorah
Parapsychologists: Jason Karl, David Scanlen & Vicki Purewal
Culzean Castle Most Haunted Review
As Most Haunted made its journey north of the border during season one, they arrived in Ayrshire to investigate Culzean Castle.
The told of the castle history, as well as the ghost stories surrounding the castle, which were interesting.
They go upstairs to investigate the bedroom initially. Almost instantly, they start seeing light anomalies and spirits through the camera.
I feel that they were too quick to jump to the conclusion that it was spirits instead of trying to explain other possibilities.
They saw a white light source in the bedroom which they all claimed was paranormal. To me, it looked like a man-made light and I feel they should have made more of an effort to discover the source of the light.
As Derek was using his mediumship, he was coming up with names and stating other facts which were true, although these details can be found online which does leave a nagging doubt as the castle was obviously researched prior to investigating.
However, I did enjoy the interviews with local residents telling their stories of the castle and their experiences.
The walk around the castle with the medium was quite insightful.
I thought that having a parapsychologist was good, debunking with plausible explanations.
As this was 2002 that they investigated Culzean Castle, the range of equipment they had was now extensive as what is available to investigators now, however, they made good use of what they had.
The night vision camera that they was good and they used the K2, although it never went off.
The downside to this investigation was that they were obviously playing up to the camera, acting terrified and screaming at every opportunity.
I feel that running around screaming, portraying the paranormal as terrifying is showing the field in a bad light.
If you are that scared, you shouldn’t involve yourself in the paranormal.
Although Most Haunted receives a lot of bad press, I did enjoy hearing the history of the castle, and listening to the locals’ tales.
It is nice to see a Scottish location being used as we have some great places that are sadly overlooked.
To me, although I enjoyed the episode, I would like to see more debunking and less play acting.
I feel the parapsychologist should have had more air time as it would have led to a more balance episode.
Tell us what you thought of this Culzean Castle Most Haunted episode in the comments section below.
Nice review David.
Despite all the bad press Most Haunted get, you have to admit that their format was great back then and it was such an enjoyable show. The original team were definitely the best and Derek was so entertaining to watch, especially when he used to get possessed lol!😂,