Carpe Diem: Ghosts BBC is always full of surprises, even at this late stage of the series, writes Gemma Johnson

Carpe Diem Ghosts BBC Episode Review
Spoilers Alert!
Even though we have become familiar with the characters of Ghosts, there are still things that serve as a surprise and this final series has been one delightful surprise after another.
Robin fancies himself as the caveman equivalent of Stephen Hawking in that he thinks he can predict which one of the ghosts will be the next to ‘go’. He drops this bombshell at the start of the episode, thus the reason for the title – each one of our spooks is pondering how to spend their possible final day on earth.
As they prepare for the possibility of ‘moving on’ we discover that it can be possible to have the ghostly equivalent of a bucket list. It is also revealed that Fanny has exceptionally long hair, Pat descends into an American accent whenever he is nervous and Captain, well Captain finally shares his truth.
Julian decides he wants to leave the afterlife just as he entered it – which raised some interesting questions in our house. Cue some very funny flirting and a fantastic scene where the plague basement becomes a nightclub.
Kitty opts to spend her final day helping Humphrey connect his head with his body. Watching her chase the body around reminded me of my childhood, trying to catch my gerbil Bubbles when he escaped. He is scatty, easily scared, doesn’t like being cornered and possibly likely to bite (ok not Humphrey’s body but Bubbles sure did!)
Mike and Alison have reached the stage where they realise that everything is going to change soon so they decide to have a ‘big night out’. But things have already started to change, more than they realise. Their ‘big night out’ looks much like my attempts at a big night out – complaining of the loud noise, drinking water and home in bed before midnight. But they realise it’s OK, they will still have their special moments but in a different way.
A life lesson for all of us, don’t try to recreate, embrace the present and look forward to the future.
Take away from this episode – a good old line dance to some country music is nourishing for the soul, clear some room and throw on some Billy Ray Cyrus. Yee Haw!
Tell us your thoughts about this Carpe Diem episode of Ghosts in the comments section below!
Ghosts BBC’s fifth and final season, including all episodes, is now available on BBC iPlayer.