EDDIE BRAZIL reports the creepy story of a murdered child sex fiend, known as The Camberwell Dwarf, who still haunts the London suburb to this day…

His name was Albert Constantine and he lived in a rundown terraced cottage opposite Burgess Park in the Camberwell district of London.
A balding, 58-year-old odd job man, his diminutive stature of only 5 ft 3, shuffling, awkward style of walking and a oversized, hooded, Duffle coat, earned from the locals the nickname of Albert the Dwarf.
When the funfair made its regular twice yearly visit to Burgess park, Constantine would find work on the dodgems or ghost train.
To all who barely knew him, he was a harmless, jovial soul. Yet there was another side to the Camberwell dwarf – much darker and secretive.
His offers to the youngsters of the area to return with him to his house for lemonade and sweets were eagerly accepted until stories began to circulate of the friendly arm around the kids shoulders and the playful slap on their backside became something more sinister.
Camberwell Dwarf murdered in haunted carnival tunnel by unknown attackers
One night in 1974, Constantine was offered work on the funfair ghost train. He entered the haunted tunnel to clean it followed by three tattooed men and was never seen alive again.
Six months later Constantines body was dragged from the canal. The funfair moved on, and the dwarf was soon unmourned and forgotten, that is until the late 1980s.
His former home had been snapped up by eager young professionals keen to get on the capitals property ladder.
Young city banker buy murdered dwarf sex-attacker’s former home
A young, female city bank dealer moved in in Autumn 1988.
Returning home after midnight, tired she never gave another thought to the little figure who always stood in the closed park staring at her home. Perhaps he was home less. .
Yet the young woman began to feel somewhat uncomfortable when the figure of the little man began to stand outside her house and stare up at her bedroom window.
He would at one moment be in sight and then gone.
Things took a more sinister turn when she began to experience nightmares in which the dwarf like figure would appear in her bedroom. Each subsequent bad dream had the man moving closer to her bed.
The climax came when the woman awoke in the small hours and had the terrifying sensation that there was someone in bed with her.
She could feel fetid breath on her hair and the sensation of a body, pressing against her back, and in an aroused state, literally had her paralyzed with fear.
She assumed that an intruder had entered her house and was now in the throes of assaulting her.
She managed to scream out in terror and leapt from the bed. Running out in to the street she began screaming blue murder, and soon her neighbours came to her aid. Her hysterical cries that there was a man in her room prompted an immediate search by two armed men. They found nothing.
The woman soon moved on when she was informed of a former resident of her home and the unsavoury stories about him
Has the ghost disappeared?
The dwarf’s old home has since seen new residents who have yet to report anything unusual.
Yet it is believed that his ghost still wanders the area.
A shuffling hooded apparition stalking the deserted lamp lit streets of Camberwell in search of the unwary and vulnerable.
What do you think about the Camberwell dwarf sex attacker ghost? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!
I’d like to know more about this. Where do the details of Albert come from? Are there any pictures of him?