EMMA DARK reviews creepy horror short CALL GiRL

Laurence R. Harvey in CALL GiRL
Laurence R. Harvey in CALL GiRL (2014)

At just under 6 minutes CALL GiRL has a relatively short time frame to make a high impact, and that it does! It had me smiling from start to finish with British actor Laurence R. Harvey (of The Human Centipede 2 fame) in the lead as a rather creepy but apparently well mannered lonely man who solicits a call girl for the evening.

Not having seen Laurence speak in The Human Centipede 2 I was rather surprised to find a speaking part gave his character in this particular short a certain sense of warmth, likeability and dare I say it harmlessness. All of which of course adds to the irony that he is in fact, as you might expect true to character, quite the opposite of harmless in CALL GiRL.

Internationally famous burlesque beauty Tristan Risk of the Soska Sister’s ‘American Mary’ fame sizzles on screen as the solicited call girl. Beauty often hides the beast, I’ll say no more, but the film ends with a bang, well almost…

CALL GiRL is actress turned director Jill Sixx Gevargizian’s first film of I’m sure many more to come.

Watch CALL GiRL 2014

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