Ghostly Mists Haunt Caernarfon Castle


Historic Caernarfon Castle in northern Wales is a hive of ghostly activity, with much to keep keen ghosthunters interested, says RICK HALE

Caernarfon castle

Sitting along the banks of the scenic River Seinot in Gwenydd is the Grade I listed Caernarfon Castle.

A medieval fortress in Gwynedd, Wales that is regarded by many to be one of the greatest castles in the United Kingdom.

As with many of the castles that dot the landscape of the Welsh and English countryside, Caernarfon sits on the foundation of a Roman fort known as Segontium.

Segontium played a pivotal role in supplying goods and soldiers to the civilian population of the region.

When the western Roman Empire fell, Segontium became a ghost town and remained that way for several centuries.

The history of Caernarfon Castle and its surrounding town is a history filled with betrayal, violence and of course, bloodshed. 

History of Caernarfon Castle

Following the Norman conquest of England, William the Conqueror zeroed in on the wilds of northern Wales and placed Robert of Rhuddlan in charge of this untamed land.

Things didn’t go as planned for Robert as he was constantly at odds with the locals and was killed.

His kinsman, Hugh d’Avranches took over and regained control of a land that seemed to forever be slipping from the fingers of the crown.

Under Hugh’s watchful eye, three motte and Bailey castles were built to consolidate his power. And Caernarfon was one of them.

Seeing themselves losing any kind of control of their homeland, several uprisings ensued that changed the balance of power across Northern Wales.

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In 1115, Welsh forces recaptured Gwynedd and their princes took possession of the castle.

With much blood being shed, Caernarfon Castle went back and forth between English and Welsh control.

The original structure was replaced by a stone castle that began construction in 1283 and a wall was placed around Caernarfon two years later.

Hostilities between the two ever warring countries remained in place until the Tudors ascended the throne.

This royal dynasty was descended from the Welsh and everyone hoped this would end the death and destruction that had become a part of life in Wales.

War did come to the castle again until  the Civil War when it was besieged three times by parliamentarian forces hunting for those loyal to the crown.

The castle sat derelict for several centuries until Cadw brought it under its protective wing and Caernarfon Castle, along with two other castles in the region were proclaimed to be UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Today, Caernarfon Castle houses the Royal Welsh Fusiliers Museum and is a much loved tourist attraction, welcoming tens of thousands of visitors a year.

And among the artefacts and history of the castle, two very distinct ghosts haunt its ancient stone walls.

Haunting of Caernarfon Castle

Upon visiting Caernarfon Castle, the paranormal enthusiast might think they will stumble upon the ghost of a Roman Legionnaire.

Or perhaps an embattled civil war soldier. Not so at Caernarfon Castle. The two ghosts that haunt this castle are, shall we say, unexpected.

Caernarfon castle from top

The Floating Lady

The first ghost of two, is one that has been seen at this Welsh stronghold for as long as anyone can remember. A ghost simply called the Floating Lady.

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No one really knows who this mysterious apparition is, or why she is at the castle at all, is seen on a regular basis.

She is seen floating throughout the castle by unsuspecting tourists.

And this ghost seems to have an uneasy relationship with electricity.

Whenever she manifests, the power goes out or lights flicker on and off in her presence.

Whenever the power in the castle goes on the fritz, the staff at the castle instinctively know the Floating Lady of Caernarfon Castle is close.

The Hazy Blue Thing

The second entity to call the castle home is one that has only recently come to light, a peculiar blue-white figure.

In the early years of the 21st century, an American tourist walked to the top of the Eagle Tower and snapped several photographs.

It wasn’t until she returned home that she noticed something strange and out of place.

Standing in a doorway was the image of a white figure enveloped in a hazy blue mist.

According to the unwitting photographer, whatever, or whomever, this was wasn’t there, when she took the picture.

To the tourist the figure looked like, “A small king with his sceptre, a crown and a cloak”.

And as you might expect, the photograph has caused a great deal of debate as to what it might be.

Sceptics say that it is nothing more than an active imagination triggered by an obvious lens flare.

While believers contend the image constitutes legitimate evidence of a ghost. 

Whatever the case may be, it’s an interesting photo to say the least.

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Caernarfon Castle in northern Wales is a beautiful example of medieval architecture sure to be enjoyed by all.

Oh, and if you should visit, maybe you should keep your camera at the ready and take plenty of pictures. You never know what you may capture.

Have you seen a ghost in Caernarfon Castle? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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Rick Hale
Rick Hale, is a native of Chicago, Illinois and first became interested in the paranormal after having a positive interaction with an apparition at a young age. Rick is the author of The Geek's Guide To The Strange and Unusual: Poltergeists, Ghosts and Demons. Behold! Shocking True Tales of Terror...and Some Other Spooky Stuff. And Bullets, Booze and Babes: The Haunted History of Chicago and Illinois. Rick is the co-host of The Shadow Initiative Paranormal Talk. Rick was featured in the documentary Ghost Tapes 2. Rick is a featured writer for Spooky Isles and Rick has also been published by Haunted Times, Paranormal Underground, The Supernatural Magazine and Legends Magazine.


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