Ghosts BBC episode Bump in the Night sees Button House’s ghostly inhabitants fend off burglars in a chaotic and comedic effort, writes GEMMA JOHNSON

Review of Ghosts BBC: Bump in the Night
Mike is left in charge of the ghosts for the night as Alison goes for a night out. Mike takes solace, and comfort, in a strawberry trifle – much as my husband would – and promptly passes out in front of a dodgy TV programme. Hmm sounds very familiar. The ghosts entertain themselves for the evening but are soon disrupted by burglars who think that the house is empty. There is much hilarity, and love, within the writing of this episode as we see them pull together to try to protect Button House, and its contents, from the unruly visitors.
It’s song club tonight, Julian is sharing his favourite song “I’ll make love to you” by Boyz to Men, Mary declares that she doesn’t want him to. Song club continues as we see Mike try to settle down and the burglars finish off a KFC in the van. Song club is rudely interrupted by their arrival, cue Captain taking control of the situation and allocating jobs to the ghosts – keep a note of what they take, find Alison and alert the authorities – sounds simple right? Well, it would be if Alison was there.
You know I love the plague people, but my favourite is the plague girl rarely seen but always iconic in terms of how the other ghosts respond to her. Jemima makes an appearance here, but her efforts are less than helpful – singing Ring of Roses will only get you so far, no matter how creepy it is.
One of my favourite scenes within this episode is the ghosts trying to wake Mike and then communicate with him. First option is to use the eyes of a doll for morse code, Mikes reaction is much the same as mine would be – I have a whole cupboard of Haunted Dolls in my office, let me tell you if their eyes started to move like that, I would be off faster than my labrador chasing a tennis ball.
Did you know that ghosts can talk on the telephone? Me either, I need to give that a try as a technique next investigation. Mike and Alison are now alerted. I really related to the part here when Mike is asking the ghosts questions, and they are more than flummoxed as to how to answer them. Lesson learnt – next investigation, don’t ask the spirits to knock three times, they don’t like it. The ghosts, Mike and Alison are entering a desperate situation as the burglars continue to fill up their van. When an unlikely rescuer steps in – loathsome Barclay, his dogs and a gun – thanks to a howling at the moon session by Robin. Yes, he saves the day, but I still don’t like him.
Take away moment from this episode – we really do not deserve dogs, or ghosts who identify as dog like, they are precious and must be protected at all costs.
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Watch Ghosts BBC episode Bump in the Night on BBC iPlayer
Read more Ghosts BBC episode reviews on Spooky Isles