Bromley: 8 Haunted Places to Visit


LES HEWITT reveals why the haunted London Borough of Bromley in South London is known as one of the capital’s most haunted places!

Bromley London

Bromley was first chartered as a market town in 1158. The town was originally recorded in an Anglo-Saxon charter as far back as 862 by the King of Kent Ethelbert. Originally named Bromleag, the town developed and grew over the centuries. 

Bromley has had several brushes with fame and celebrity too. One location, The Royal Bell Pub, was referenced in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and notable residents include the likes of Billy idol, Brian Moore, David Bowie, Lloyd Honeyghan and Gloria Hunniford.

With such a long and extensive history, it’s little wonder that there have been substantial reports of hauntings, ghosts and supernatural occurrences. What follows is a select few events from down the years.

O’Neils Pub, East Street

Originally named the Old Drill Hall, O’Neils is one of the more lively and frequented pubs in the town. Most weekend evenings it is often the go-to place for fun and socialising. One guest in particular seems to have been appearing there for years. A spectral soldier has often been reported inside the vibrant nightspot.

Bromley United Service Club

Found on London Road, The United Services Club is among the more popular sites when it comes to paranormal phenomena. Before becoming the venue that it is today, it was generally believed to have been some kind of hospital or medical practice. During the 1980s, staff in the Club would often report seeing an old Sea Captain or sailor. In more recent times, however, reports have dwindled.

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The Crown and Pepper

This public house is also said to have a resident spirit. Reports detail more about what is heard as opposed to seen. While some accounts do claim to have seen something, there are more reports of footsteps being heard. The most notable thing about these sounds is that whoever is making then, appears to have some kind of injury. The steps take on the appearance of someone with a limp. There is some speculation that the owner of these steps was a former soldier who was wounded in action. Perhaps even losing a limb. Some have also reported hearing phantom horses in the general vicinity as well.

St. Paul’s Cray

Located closer to Orpington than Bromley itself, although still classed as within Bromley’s border, is the town of St. Paul’s Cray. One family living there were plagued by apparent poltergeist activity. After several reports of a ghost of what appeared to be a young boy, one member of the family was said to been possessed. Temperatures would drop considerably and personal items would shift or move of their own accord. Things got so bad for the family involved, that they made contact with the local council in an effort to be rehoused.

Keston Ponds

Among the creepiest of all spectral encounters in and around the London Borough of Bromley, there can be few to rival the entity that was seen hovering over Keston Ponds a number of years ago. This sighting was of something that was clad in a black hooded robe or a cap and had a glowing belt. On their way home from school, a pair of schoolgirls were the witnesses to whatever this thing was.

The Old Man on the Stairs

One woman living in Elmstead would came forward to detail her experience. She was at home busy working in her bedroom when something drew her attention to the stairs outside her bedroom. At first she felt a presence, but wasn’t long before she spotted an old man at the top of the stairs. The woman went on to mention that she had a telepathic contact with the apparition. It claimed to her that “This was how I died”. The figure then lurched and tumbled down the sitars. When she checked the bottom of the stairs, she found nothing.

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Investigating Beckenham Place Park

What was seen in Beckenham Place Park a number of years ago may or may not be a ghost or haunting. The witness to the event was a young man who set out to try and capture paranormal activity on video. He managed to do precisely that. On top of a children’s chute, he saw something in the darkness. While he couldn’t determine what it was, he did manage to film it. The subject leapt off of the other side of the chute and disappeared into the dark beyond.

An American TV show called Paranormal: Fact or Faked, got hold of a copy of the clip and sent a pair of investigators to the Park. After offering numerous potential solutions to the identity of what was seen, and then trying to reconstruct them, they were unable to determine what was seen that night.

The Horseman of Petts Wood

Just like whatever was spotted in Beckenham Place Park, what was seen one night in Petts Wood may not be a ghost or spectre at all. What it was, was strange to say the least. 

The witness was heading home from work one snowy evening. It soon became apparent that a dull thudding noise could be heard not far behind. The noise increased in volume until the pedestrian felt like he was being watched. 

Out of nowhere a man just appeared. This man was dressed in dark clothing and sat atop of a horse that was equally dark. This horse seemed to be larger than an atypical steed. The rider and horse galloped away, leaving the man covered in additional snow.

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Now in two minds as to what to do, the man decided to follow the tracks left in the snow. He continued onwards until he encountered intoxicating smoke and flickering lights all around him. It was at this point when bravery gave in and he sprinted home as far as the climate would allow.

These are but a few of the stories from within the London Borough of Bromley, cited as the spookiest area of Southeast London and a respectable fourth in London overall. This is not even taking either Chislehurst Caves or Biggin Hill into account.

Have you seen something strange in the London Borough of Bromley? Tell us about it in the comments section below!


  1. As a young boy around 4 – 5 years old or so, I was looking out of my window late one night when I lived in Bromley, in Launcelot Road (No 144), Grove Park, and watched a UFO moving over out house. Yes I know sounds really daft doesn’t it – but it happened.
    As the craft moved across the road a youngish couple came walking around the corner from the alleyway (Grove Park end) and spotted the object slowly hovering above the houses a little way from them.
    The woman started screaming out loud, joined by her partner who was jumping about in disbelief, then the woman ran to the telephone box (on the triangular shaped green) and proceeded to shout down the phone to her mother about what she was seeing.
    The UFO then gradually moved down to the ‘dippy’ part of Launcelot Road opposite another alleyway which leads to the shops, and it hovered overhead for a while, then wobbled a bit, tipped a little to one side, then slowly moved in another direction until I could see it no more.
    The couple then started on their way home.
    Never heard anymore about it anytime after when growing up, the only thing that was said in the newspapers at the time, was about the break out of L.S.D. use in the local college in Bromley which gives it a bit of a date stamp.

  2. Not that I know, as I left there in my early twenties, but I’m sure there must be one or two people that must have heard that encounter being passed on by the couple that also witnessed it that night.

  3. From: Sid; (update)
    The direction – and the name of the Road where the two people (man & woman) left the scene after witnessing the overhead UFO/UAP, is/was, ‘Gareth Grove.’ So I assume that is the road where they must have been living at that time.

  4. This is a recollection of an old occurance that happened to myself and 2 of my friends.
    It was a hot summer evening in the late 1960’s we had travelling out to a pub in kent and were returning back to our homes in Bromley .we were young good humoured lads who decided to stop off at Keston ponds for a walk around the ponds.
    It was twilight and the day was cooling down. Myself and Lawrance walked and joked on one side of the first pond (there are 2 ponds that are filled from the spring called Ceasers well) my other friend walked on the other side of the pond
    We were laughing and joking …..then something stopped us….a sound …like a whoosing rotating …imagine a helicooters rotor gaining speed getting louder…it grew in intensity …then stopped…lawrence and i felt a force hit us…our friend on the other side shouted . Wot the f*ck…i looked at him and saw the ripples on the water…when the sound was happening i kind of focused on where it was coming from….a tree close to the waters edge…a twisted knarled old tree…we run back to our van and sped to the nearest pub the Keston Mark……

  5. Its 6 years since it happened.
    Id been contracted to take over the running of new build apartments at Bow Corner in Londons Mile End.
    I hadn’t been told why i was taking over.
    I arrived and stood on the opposite pavement waiting to cross the road…when i realised i recognised the site from tv and newspaper reports of a dreadful and tragic accident that happened only a few weeks earlier. A young mother was fatally injured when a pallet of bricks dropped onto her.
    And here i was going to take over what i later learnt was a cursed site.
    I did my usual project manager thing but i could see from day one everybody involved was traumatised by guilt to a greater or lesser extent.The main contractor had gone into panic and denial mode…no one had had counselling…but i could tell that all the men on site needed to talk..slowly one by one i encourged each person to talk…and they did…talk about their guilt…guilt like they expressed is a feeling of If Only…if only they could have walked out to were this happened moments before and saved her…if only..if only..except for one man. He expressed his grief by telling me how as a child there had been a poltergeist in his home…i just thought this was his way of expressing his grief. .i know differently now.
    At the end of 2 months my work was done…the site was working back on track and the main contractor had put a company man to work along side me and take over
    On my last day i went to the canteen to drink water before my journey home…
    In the canteen was Steve the man who had talked about the poltergeist…he sat at the far end of the canteen …i stood drinking ..leaning against the worktop…when suddenly the top of a plastic bottle flew over my shoulder …i turned to look behind me and saw an eye wash bottle lying on its side on the worktop…i picked it up seeing that it was half full…but with no water on the worktop or floor..Steve was staring at me…then he said “I told you…and its still here “


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