Alder Trees: 10 Folklore Things You Didn’t Know


Alder trees have played a significant role in British folklore for centuries. From their use in ancient Celtic rituals to their association with witches and faeries, these trees have captured the imagination of many.

Alder Trees Folklore: 10 Things You Didn't Know
Alder Trees are entrenched in British folklore

Alder Trees Were Considered Sacred by the Celts

Alder trees were sacred to the ancient Celts, who believed that they had powerful magical properties. The Celts believed that alder trees were symbols of both death and resurrection and used them in rituals to honor their ancestors.

Alder Trees Were Believed to Have Healing Properties

In medieval times, alder trees were believed to have healing properties. The bark and leaves of the tree were used to treat a variety of ailments, including toothaches and fever.

Alder Trees Were Associated with Death

In British folklore, alder trees were often associated with death. The trees were believed to be a gateway to the afterlife and were often planted near graveyards.

Alder Trees Were Used to Make Witches’ Brooms

In the Middle Ages, alder trees were often used to make witches’ brooms. It was believed that the branches of the tree had a natural affinity for flying and were perfect for use in magical rituals.

Alder Trees Were Associated with Faeries

Alder trees were believed to be a favorite of faeries, who were said to make their homes in the hollows of the trees. It was believed that if you stood under an alder tree at midnight, you might catch a glimpse of the faeries.

Alder Trees Were Believed to Ward Off Evil Spirits

In British folklore, alder trees were believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits. It was believed that if you carried a piece of alder wood with you, you would be protected from harm.

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Placing Alder Leaves under Your Pillow Will Bring You Sweet Dreams

In some British folklore, it is believed that placing fresh alder leaves under your pillow will bring you sweet dreams and protect you from nightmares.

Alder Trees Can Protect Your Home from Lightning Strikes

In some cultures, it is believed that planting an alder tree near your home can protect it from lightning strikes. This belief may stem from the tree’s association with water and its ability to draw lightning away from buildings.

Carrying an Alder Twig Will Protect You from Illness

In some areas of the UK, it is believed that carrying a small alder twig with you can protect you from illness and bad luck.

Never Burn Alder Wood on a Sunday

It is said that burning alder wood on a Sunday is bad luck. This superstition may have originated from the tree’s association with death and its connection to the Christian Sabbath.

Alder Trees Can Attract Wealth and Prosperity

In some cultures, it is believed that planting an alder tree on your property can attract wealth and prosperity. The tree’s strong roots and association with water may be seen as a symbol of stability and abundance.

The alder tree has played an important role in British folklore for centuries. From its use in ancient rituals to its association with witches and faeries, this tree has captured the imagination of many. Whether you’re a lover of mythology or simply a fan of nature, the alder tree is a fascinating subject that is worth exploring.

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