Perfect Day is serious, soppy and romantic. GEMMA JOHNSON says it’s her least favourite episode of the BBC Ghost TV series

Review of Perfect Day
Being completely transparent, this is perhaps my least favourite episode of Ghosts and I really hate to say that. For Ghosts, it’s quite a serious, soppy and romantic episode; I am not at all a soppy and romantic person. Plus, there is lots of snow, I loathe snow. Don’t get me wrong, there is exceptional writing talent present, as always, but this episode is just not ‘my thing’. You, of course may disagree but we are all different and that is what keeps things interesting.
The wedding, from the prior episode, was booked and we find ourselves smack bang in the middle of a hectic wedding day where everything seems to be going wrong. The snow is preventing them from going to church, the Vicar has a broken foot and one of the brides is having some last-minute doubts. Wedding days rarely run smoothly.
What I did love about this episode is how the writing team opted to include a same sex wedding, it was so refreshing to see and even more so was how they used script writing to challenge some of the ill-informed judgements relating to same sex marriage. This was expertly done through Fanny expressing her thoughts and Alison tackling them head on. It was subtle, quick but really well done.
Shock ripples through the ghosts when one of the guests turns out to be the very young man who shot Pat with that fateful arrow on his death day. Meanwhile, Julian has become more letchy than ever before – I actually didn’t think that was possible. He seemed to be channelling his inner Trump. Mary is focused on superstitions surrounding the wedding ceremony- garter, wedding cake being broken on the brides head – and is most perplexed. Kitty is crying because she isn’t a bridesmaid and Thomas delights in spotting a potential crack in the marital harmony of Mike and Alison.
Robin very much saves this episode with his thoughts on relationships – “you like someone, you do it, you like someone else you do it, no one know who their Dad is everyone brings up the children” When the ghosts recoil in horror and judgement, Robin is quick to point out that, of those ghosts who were married, Julian cheated on his wife, Pat’s wife cheated on him and Fanny’s husband killed her – so they were in in no place to judge.
My favourite moment from this episode was the ghosts erupting into a fight – well, what is a wedding without some kind of fight or argument? At the end of the episode, Thomas spots Alison and Mike dancing, he is most unhappy and declares he wants another fight. Could we see a fight club coming to Button House? My money would be on Robin
Take away lesson from this episode – judging others does not define who they are, it defines who you are.
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Watch BBC Ghosts episode Perfect Day on BBC iPlayer
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