Series 2 of Ghosts BBC kicks off with The Grey Lady, a hilarious and chaotic start, making it one of GEMMA JOHNSON’s all-time favourite episodes

Review of The Grey Lady, Ghosts BBC
Series two of Ghosts gets off to an absolute corker of a start with this episode which made number eigh in my list of all-time top 10 Ghosts episodes. The opening 60 seconds is genius and perfect comedic timing.
A seemingly idyllic hotel set within Button House leading us to believe that Alison and Mike have fulfilled their dream. But wait… is that a pigeon? Why is Mike speaking like a pigeon? Cue Alison being woken up by a pigeon on her chest, resulting in screaming that then sets Fanny off with jumping out of the window and all the ghosts greeting each other with morning pleasantries. With an opening like this, you just know that this is going to be an awesome series.
There is an air of co-living and harmony, each of the ghosts is having their needs met: Robin with the crossword, Thomas with his music, Julian playing on the computer, Mary learning to read, Captain’s exercise and several of the ghosts reading books, and Kitty seems to be into some 50 Shades of Grey-style books judging by Fanny’s reaction.
There is so much to love about this episode, but I was particularly pleased to see more of a presence of the plague people who I absolutely adore, they are so heart-warmingly sweet in a rotting, pustule, grubby cellar dwelling kind of way.
I have said many times before that, as a family, we tend to take iconic sayings from the show and incorporate them into our daily life. From this episode: “Alison! Get the tradesman off the lawn!” We use the catchphrases at any point, including when going around Aldi doing our weekly shop – it clears the fruit and veg isle!
I am a member of a paranormal group and being in the paranormal community means that you have to have a sense of humour. It is quite odd when you think about it – sitting in the cold and dark for hours talking to something that may or may not be there.
I have often thought about what the spirits would think of that. Well, Julian sheds some light on this here “Gullible cretins, what sort of moron believes in ghosts? Before I became one you wouldn’t have caught me believing in this nonsense”. The irony is **chef’s kiss** superb.
The stereotypes within this episode are genuinely funny and I can say that hand on heart as a paranormal investigator, research and writer. It is important not to take yourself too seriously and have a sense of humour – something that can be lacking within the paranormal community at times.
There is so much here that I can relate to on many levels, which makes it even more humorous – I think I may need to revise my top 10 after re-visiting this episode of The Grey Lady.
Mike’s favourite mug says “I’m sweet enough” and Alison hates it and wants it gone but she doesn’t want to get her hands dirty. I can relate and here comes a confession… my son won the fugliest mug you have ever seen from a raffle at a Christmas Fair a few years ago.
It was awful, it would never fit in the cupboard, and it was shaped into a weird troll rabbit creature, truly hideous. I wanted it gone, but had no ghosts to blame it on, so I stacked it incorrectly on the kitchen drainer knowing that the washing machine would likely move it and it would fall – it did. Sorry son – phew I have been carrying that around for years!
Takeaway lesson from this episode – £200 is too much to pay for a Ghost Night.
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Watch The Grey Lady episode of Ghosts on BBC iPlayer