Gorilla War: Ghosts BBC (S1, E2) REVIEW


THE ghosts of Button House declare war on their living housemates but it’s to no avail… GEMMA JOHNSON takes a back look at Ghosts BBC episode two, titled Gorilla War

Gorilla War: Ghosts BBC (S1, E2) REVIEW

Review of Gorilla War, Ghosts BBC

This Ghosts BBC episode is called Gorilla War and it aired on 22 April 2019

Following Alison’s plunge from a window – courtesy of Julian – we find that she has been in hospital for a few weeks and did actually die for a few moments following the ‘accident’. 

Mike is trying to take on more than he can handle, between the house and Alison it has very much been a juggling act for him.  He thinks he has all the balls in the air until he comes to discover that Button House is a money pit, the balls come crashing down around him and he feels he has no option but to take out a loan to fund the costs of repair. Life Lesson 1:  Successful juggling requires organisation, co-ordination and sheer good luck.

As Alison returns home from hospital, the ghosts are up in arms when they realise that they have been defeated in their first attempts at removing the humans from Button Hall. Even more so because the house is now filled with builders working on the repairs. 

This is where IT happens… Alison sees Julian and mistakes him for a builder.  I do have an observation though… how concussed is she at this point because Julian is without trousers…. Hmm…  Julian is beside himself with the shock then spreading amongst the rest of the spooks.  Life Lesson 2:  Ghosts are just as scared of us as we are of them (not me though, that would be counterproductive for the operation of Junior Paranormal Events!)

The ghosts decide to pull together to launch an attack against Alison, seeing her ‘gift’ as a weakness rather than a strength.  We have Robin jumping out in random places, Pat trying to induct Alison into the workings of Button House, Fanny criticising Alison at every opportunity and Thomas flouncing around making puppy eyes.  It is too much for Alison and she decides she needs to go back to the hospital.  Life Lesson 3:  Teamwork makes the dreamwork – kind of…

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In realising that she cannot escape from ghosts anywhere at all – at the hospital, driving in the car and viewing other properties – Alison concludes that she may as well stay at Button House, but she decides that she is going to lay down the law and confront the ghosts. 

This was one of my favourite scenes – we see Alison come out of the car and declare, incredibly loudly, that she can see the ghosts and wants to know what they want.  Life Lesson 4:  We need to find ways to co-exist with those around us, even those in the spirit world. 

I will end this here with one of my favourite exchanges that takes place between Mary and Alison:

Mary: (shouts) Renounce Satan Witch!
Alison:  Ok.
Mary: (very sheepishly mumbles).

Watch Gorilla War on BBC iPlayer

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