Robert Kirk and The Good People: A Fairy Murder Mystery


Was Scotland’s Reverend Robert Kirk kidnapped and killed by fairies, aka The Good People, as revenge for him giving away their secrets?

The Good People, fairies dancing in the Moonlight

Deep in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, amidst the misty moors and ancient woods in Stirlingshire, lies a haunting tale of a man ensnared by the ethereal world of fairies.

Minister Robert Kirk, a devout scholar and translator of biblical texts, found himself drawn into a realm of mystery and wonder that would leave an indelible mark on the folklore of the land.

In the 17th century, the belief in “The Good People”, an mystical race of beings, thrived in Scotland. These creatures, said to be somewhere between angels and humans in nature, captured the imagination of many, including Robert Kirk.

Throughout his life, Kirk diligently recorded the beliefs of his parishioners, delving into matters of fairies, second sight, doppelgangers and the occult.

In 1691, Kirk compiled his findings into a book called The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies. Little did he know that this book would change his life forever.

Robert Kirk’s body discovered ‘lifeless’

According to local legends that surfaced after his death, the fairies did not take kindly to their secrets being exposed to the public. They allegedly kidnapped the minister and held him captive in the mystical Fairy Hill near Aberfoyle church.

On a fateful night in May 1692, Kirk’s body was found on the fairy hill, apparently lifeless. But his demise was not as it seemed. The locals believed that he had not died but had fallen into a deep swoon caused by the supernatural influence of the fairies.

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His tombstone marked an empty grave, for they believed his body had been taken to Fairyland, leaving his coffin filled with stones.

A spine-chilling twist to the tale emerged when Kirk’s spectral form reportedly appeared at the christening of his posthumous child.

He cryptically revealed that if a dagger were thrown above his spectral head, he would return to the land of the living. Alas, the stunned crowd failed to act, and Kirk vanished into the night, never to be seen again.

Over the centuries, the legend of Robert Kirk’s mysterious fate has evolved, intertwined with the folklore of Aberfoyle.

The legacy of Robert Kirk, the “Fairy Minister”, lives on in the annals of Scottish folklore.

His work, The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies, remains one of the most significant records of fairy beliefs and second sight, cherished by folklorists and scholars alike.

Despite the passage of time and the waning belief in fairies, the memory of the mysterious minister who dared to explore the realm of the Good People still lingers in the chilling whispers of the Scottish Highlands.


  1. The article on Robert Kirk and the ‘Good People’ is inaccurate. The village of Aberfoyle ISN’T deep in the heart of the Scottish Highlands – it’s on the southern edge of the Highlands. I suspect that fairies played no role in Kirk’s death and that the relevant stories are mere folklore.


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