The Ostrich Inn: Berkshire’s Most Supernatural Pub


The Ostrich Inn is full of terrifying supernatural forces thanks to centuries of grisly murders and visits from evil highwaymen, says CHRISTINE MILLER

The Ostrich Inn
The Ostrich Inn

As seen on Most Haunted and Great British Ghosts, The Ostrich Inn in Slough, Berkshire, has some truly terrifying accounts of ghostly action. And, that’s not surprising; from grisly murders to infamous highwaymen, the Inn has seen in all during its long and distinguished tenure. 

The Ostrich Inn’s Dark History

The charismatic and quaint Ostrich Inn dates back all the way to 1106 and was originally known as ‘The Hospice’ which, over the centuries, began to be interpreted as ‘The Ostrich’; a name which has stuck ever since. 

Such an old building might, somewhat understandably, have a rich, layered, and even grim history, but the by-gone days of old at The Ostrich have seen some truly diabolical events.

Even the most hardened of ghost hunters must shiver at the prospect of spending the night in an old, very old building where it is believed over 60 people – maybe more – were dispatched of. 

Yes, you read that correctly; at least 60 murders are alledged to have taken place in the building over the Inn’s illustrious stretch as one of the country’s most unique and blood-laden pubs. 

The most noted executions were taken care of by the Inn’s 17th-century landlord and his good lady wife, both of which invested in a profitable side hustle to see off wealthy guests who had retired to their lodgings in the upstairs of the Inn for the night.

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John Jarman, the landlord, was so dedicated to his nefarious and dastardly cause that he erected an ingenious contraption that would see the victim’s beds hinged up and the poor, confused souls were unceremoniously emptied into a boiling vat of liquid in the middle of the night. 

Let’s hope death was immediate. 

Jarman’s ploy wasn’t to last forever, however. It was his murder of the well-renowned clothier Thomas Cole that was to be his undoing. 

After relentlessly pursuing the presumably wealthy Cole to make his Last Will and Testament before his imminent retiral, Jarman was ready to strike.

And strike he did. 

Although Thomas Cole’s life was cruelly extinguished like so many others who have decided to set foot inside the Inn during John Jarman’s holding, it was this disappearance that caused a stir in the community. 

After waiting for his master outside the Inn, Cole’s horse was found wandering the nearby streets. A local suggested that they had last seen the clothier drinking in The Ostrich with Jarman.

The unfortunate man was found some time later; his lifelessly limp body tossed into a nearby brook, now called Coln Brook; said to be named after ‘Cole in the brook’,

Mercifully, the game was up; the Jarman’s were arrested and, shortly after, were seen to by the local hangman.

Another noted visitor includes unabashed Highwayman-cum-killer Dick Turpin who would frequent the Inn when seeking refuge and relief from his bandit exploits. He even managed to outwit the Bow Street Runners – known as London’s first ‘professional’ police force, by leaping out of an upstairs window at the Inn.

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Even royalty have been patrons, not least King John who stopped on his way to sign the Magna Carta to have a brief refreshment. 

Poltergeist Activity Abounds In The Ancient Inn

Such excruciating torment, misery and inhumane evil seems to have left its mark on The Ostrich Inn, seeping into the walls of the ancient building and alighting a colossal amount of paranormal activity. 

And, the recent addition of speed bumps in the streets outside the pub and hotel has said to have stirred up even more paranormal activity than ever. 

There have been many a sighting of ghostly figures fleeting throughout the building; these visitations having been seen by both staff and patreons alike. 

Objects such as glasses have been witnessed on multiple ocassions moving across the bar, doors slam shut of their own accord. Many an electircal item has taken to inexplicably malfunctioning and unusual whispers and groans are often heard eminating throughout the downstairs area of the pub’s building. 

Most terrifiyingly of all, a mysterious phantom woman, dressed head to foot in Victorain attire, has been seen in the company of two young ghostly girls.

It’s not just these three spirits that call the Inn their home; numerous paranomral investigators have claimed to connet with up all manner of ghosts spending the afterlife at the Inn. 

Disputes Regarding The Ostrich Inn’s History

While it makes for a chilling story, the tale of two cruel owners committing cold-blooded killings in return for finanical gains at The Ostrich Inn might not be all that it seems.

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This episode of grisly history is hotly disputed by some as being little more than folklore and fantasty. 

While the late, controversial medium Derek Acorah claimed to be possessed by a victim of the Jamans during a visit to The Ostrich alongside the Most Haunted team, many claim the story to be little more than fiction.

Who knows?

You can visit The Ostrich Inn in High Street, Colnbrook, Slough, Berkshire SL3 0JZ.

Thinking of visiting the Inn, or perhaps you already have? Tell us about any ghostly experiences in the comments section below.


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