Souter Lighthouse, Most Haunted REVIEW


CHRISTINE MILLER takes a look back at Most Haunted: Souter Lighthouse 

Souter Lighthouse, Most Haunted REVIEW 1

Episode Title: Souter Lighthouse
Location: Marsden, Tyne and Wear

Series: 1 Episode Number: 4
Originally broadcast: 2001-2002

Medium: Derek Acorah
Parapsychologists: Jason Karl, David Scanlen & Vicki Purewal

The crew head to Tyne and Wear, and to the Souter Lighthouse, which has stood since 1871 and is said to be home to a resident spook.

Staff have said to felt, heard and seen strange things, and these have been attributed to a past lighthouse keeper who lived and worked here. One of the staff have seen a man walking past a door and when she went to speak to him, assuming he was a fellow member of staff, he had vanished.

There has also been strange tapping on the windows coming from outside on occasion, and a tall, slim man who is assumed to be the past lighthouse keeper has also been spotted by staff.

Yvette is joined by parapsychologist Jason Karl and psychic medium Derek Acorah. As usual, we are told Derek has had no prior warning of tonight’s location. Before he arrives, Yvette and the team have a quick break, when Jason finds an unusual spike in the electromagnetic field in a particular part of the kitchen area, which has no known source.

With Derek now present he, Yvette and Jason begin their lit walkaround in the engine room. Derek immediately picks up on two names, “William” and “Thomas”, however neither of these gentlemen are connected. He also can smell a powerful aroma of tobacco within this room.

They move on to the steep twisting stairs of the lighthouse, when Derek says that a man named Erikson has spiritually communicated to him, telling him that he “went down with the Chandris”. The SS Eugina Chandris was a steamer of 5300 tonnes which collided with the SS Exmouth and sank in 1943. Unfortunately, the team were not able to afterwards verify that a man by the name of Ericson was onboard the ship.

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The team now switch to lights out and head to the living quarters. Derek again picks up on a spirit being, this one named “Isabel/Isabelle”. As it transpires, there is a record of an Isabel residing within the lighthouse during the 1880s. Isabell states to Derek, “why are they not talking about Ted and Edward?” and so Yvette begins to call out, asking both Ted and Edward to make themselves known if they are present. Also, the ghost of a dog which is connected to Isabel is sensed by Derek around their feet, however upon investigation Jason is unable to pick up anything with the EMF reader in this area.

Derek then asks to go into the office area, where no spiritual activity has ever been reported. However, upon entering Derek feels a deep sense of depression within this room; someone was very unhappy here and gets the name “John”. A man named John was employed by the local colliery. He lived in the lighthouse compound from the late 1930s and died in this room. Derek feels he is a very angry character.

Isabel then shows herself to Derek, much to the concern of Yvette. Isabel does not like the crew being in the lighthouse, according to Derek.

And with that, the team’s somewhat uneventful visit to Souter lighthouse comes to an end.               

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