Spooky Isles has released our first book, an anthology of original vampire tales, Dracula’s Midnight Snacks

We’re very excited to announce we are verging on become a published author, well, an author of sorts. David Saunderson (which is me) has worked with Red Rattle Books to publish “Dracula’s Midnight Snacks”, an original anthology of vampire short stories by a diverse range of authors, including Spooky Isles regulars, Andrew Garvey and Elliot Davies.
You might remember last year we called on Spooky Isles readers to submit stories about vampires for the collection. Well, what seems like ages of going through stories, editing and me laying back and letting Red Rattle Books’ Howard Jackson (who also writes for Spooky Isles do the rest of the work!).
We’re very pleased with the outcome and we are launching the book next week in Clerkenwell. ‘Dracula’s Midnight Snacks’ is half of the two-part follow up to Frankenstein Galvanized, published last year by Red Rattle Books. ‘Dracula’s Midnight Snacks’ accompanies Telegraph For Garlic which contains academic analysis of the novel, ‘Dracula’, by Bram Stoker.
Here’s what the back of Dracula’s Midnight Snacks says (which calls me a horror expect, no less!):
“Vampires tempt and terrify and the stories contained in ‘Dracula’s Midnight Snacks’ warn about horror but promise wicked delight. ‘Dracula’s Midnight Snacks’ is half of the two-part follow up to ‘Frankenstein Galvanized’, published last year by Red Rattle Books. ‘Dracula’s Midnight Snacks’ accompanies ‘Telegraph For Garlic’ which contains academic analysis of the novel, ‘Dracula’, by Bram Stoker. Horror expert, David Saunderson of ‘Spooky Isles’, invited vampire fans to submit stories for consideration. As well as tentative young Argentinean gentlemen heroes, we have porn stars and plastic surgeons in Los Angeles, cowboys and Comanche raiders, a vampire on disability benefit, a defiant feminist, black and white silent cinema, Victorian professional wrestling, an alienated sixties rock and roller and a nightmarish New York that almost overpowers our favourite anti-hero.”
I haven’t been able to read Telegraph for Garlic yet but it sounds fantastic. Telegraph For Garlic contains analysis of the Bram Stoker classic ‘Dracula’ by previously published French and English academics whose range represents the various strands of literary theory. It also includes revealing extracts from the novel and the Bram Stoker short story ‘Dracula’s Guest’.
So if you love Dracula and vampires, there’s plenty to be excited about.
ORDER Dracula’s Midnight Snacks from AMAZON here
ORDER Telegraph for Garlic from AMAZON here
Wow, well done what an achievement. Have so much respect for people that follow their dreams, will def buy a copy xx