Is Night Kaleidoscope, the scariest horror of the year?


KAYLEIGH MARIE EDWARDS describes Night Kaleidoscope as possibly the most exciting new horror feature this year 

Night Kaleioscope, from award-winning director, Grant McPhee,  is a seriously promising Scottish horror flick that is bound to get you switching the lights on before bed.

McPhee is new to the horror scene, but don’t let that put you off.

His talent and contribution to the genre are evident – the trailer alone screams for several re-watches, so the movie itself will satisfy even the most hardcore horror fans.

Cross the tense, dangerous atmosphere of Kathryn Bigelow’s Near Dark (1987) with the vicious, unnatural terror inflicted by The True Knot in Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep, and I think we’ve nailed the tone of this film.

In the pre-release phase, there’s only so much we can ascertain from the teasers provided, but one thing’s for sure and that’s that this film is not to be missed. Pencil it into your diaries and keep your eyes peeled for this atmospheric and beautifully shot piece of work. The cinematography is astounding, and if the actual movie is edited and shaped anything like the trailer, we’re all in for a treat that’s both visually and textually intriguing.

Written by Chris Purnell and Megan P. Gretchen, the film tells the story of Fion’s (Patrick O’Brien) struggle to help the police track down a brutal, murderous couple, using his waning psychic visions. In a delicious, horrifying twist, the homicidal pair is no ordinary couple. Like Fion, they possess their own supernatural qualities – though they are much, much darker. The stakes are raised when Fion meets Isobel (Mariel McAllan), the girlfriend of one of the couple’s victims. In order to track down the murderers and save Isobel, Fion must rediscover his power and overcome his own demons. Cue, an already interesting, twisting plot combined with a scary, supernatural edge.

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If you’d like to stalk the progress of Night Kaleidoscope up to its UK release, you can follow the feature on twitter @NightKaleido

Do not miss this feature; it’s a crime against British horror if you do.

Turn out the lights, sit back, and prepare to feel uneasy and afraid.

A review of the movie upon its release will follow – I, for one, can barely contain the excitement of the release of Night Kaleidoscope.


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